Click play button at bottm left. Watch the video, especially 2 minutes and 25 seconds into it.
Click play button at bottm left. Watch the video, especially 2 minutes and 25 seconds into it.
We are now able to have InterNACHI members upload hi-res pictures so that insurance adjusters in another city can zoom in on the defects.
Pay particular attention to the show 2 minutes and 25 seconds into it.
Was it just my connection or did it seem like I was watching a Kung Fu movie? Didn’t seem like the speech and video were synced up to well.
I noticed in the video that these information would be available for insurance adjusters. Just to give you a heads up…
In Pennsylvania, you have to have a license as an Insurance Solicitor in order to do inspections on insurance claims for public adjusters. You don’t need a license for underwriters writing policies for new or renewal of policies. I would be careful who you market insurance surveys to until you find out all of the details involved.
Okay… That’s nice.
Now how is that going to be getting our members insurance inspections?
Looks like NACHI is moving in yet another business direction…giving its members the opportunity to be employees…like Comsop.
This project funded by the insurance industry. They will be hiring InterNACHI members to help them perform inspections, much like the tens of thousands of inspections we do for them now.
You do not need an insurance adjuster’s license to collect field data.
You must be kidding, right?
Really? :roll:
How do you sign up?
Uh, no. Not kidding. We have at least 3 members who have done over 1,000 4-point inspections each. And that is just 3 I know of.
Can anyone from FL chime in please?
3 x 1000 = “tens of thousands”
P. T. Barnum tips his hat to you, once more.
Move to Florida.
No Erol -Nick really meant the 10’s of the thousands… like about 12.
Scott - It was a bit awkward I must say? Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth - ha,ha.
Yes like Mark said, please give me all the ones in Atlanta, email me tomorrow please with all the jobs!
James - I sadly agree I’m piecing the puzzle together and not sure I like it? I know why I joined and that reason is because I’m a full time Home Inspector. Now Nick wants to make this just an Inspector organization… short for JOAI. Risky move, membership may decrease from full time home inspectors, but increase due to new people who just want to be JOAI’s.
I know this, home inspectors are here to stay.
It’s hard for some people that are very talented in the marketing arena to just focus on one vision. They have many visions and dreams, almost as if they are board if they’re not planing the next greatest thing. So for one to expect InterNACHI to remain InterNACHI may be foolish. Look where Nick has come from or has done in the past. He’s a mutli-visionist and multi-entrepreneur.
Kudos to Nick for wanting to make this an Inspector Organization, I just do not think my business model fits that description, nor am I prepared to head in that direction. I’m seeing a bit clearer now, this year is safe I think, but next year it may be a whole new game.
I have to pay Nick his due’s here, the iNACHI 4 point form is the most used format by FL property insurance carriers, and very many thousands are performed each year, this inspection is somewhat perculiar to FL, but it will be coming soon to carriers in your area.
Believe me
While it is true that the NACHI 4 point form is widely used it has taken what was a $125 service and made it now a $49 to $75 service. I would be willing to bet that the ones doing 1000s of inspections are at the lower end of that scale.
interestingly Greg, here in the Tampa area, the low ballers are not iNACHI members, the real problem over here is the contractors.
Your area may be different
Gerry Beumont writes:
Erol, Jim, Ray… did you catch that?
Thanks for the corroboration, Gerry (FL is a bit of a different animule than Idaho!)
So, how do members get involved in this new aspect of inspections, Nick?
Nick claimed that NACHI members are doing tens of thousands.
He used the fact that three of our members have done a thousand, each.
Now, we learn that there are tens of thousands being done…but by anyone, associated or not. And for $49.
And the insurance industry is about to follow suit?
I agree with Gerry. I get calls from all over FL from agents to do 4 Point inspections in my area. They always tell me they got my name from someone who knows I belong to iNachi and we can do the Citizens 4 Point without an electrician holding our hand. I have several local agents who use me exclusively and pass my name to anyone who wants it. It is becoming an ever expanding circle.
I have been doing a lot of 4 Points lately and most are for Citizens Insurance. I have also gotten a couple of calls from agents in New Orleans for clients who are buying summer homes here in the East Hill and North Hill areas (all older homes). I do some for rental properties that require periodic inspections or when an insurance company drops a customer. If the agents do not have your name in their rolodex for these kinds of inspections, do not expect the call. I used to know home inspectors who would not do 4 point inspections, so I told them to send them all to me. BTW, it is not all that new. The first 4 point I ever did was over 10 years ago for a Nationwide agent. The price has gone up significantly since then.