I don't see a NACHI sign here.


From what I hear, you are a hell of a nice guy. That being said, and your dislike for Nick on the side, please keep the following in mind:

Despite your habit of harassing many on this message board, you at least have the integrety of NOT bitching or making issue of your nonmember status. You are consistent. You dont whine.

Todd, on the other hand, is a constant WHINER. He quits; comes back; gets thrown out; begs for forgiveness; and so on. He is feckless, and probably couldnt hold your JOCKSTRAP when it comes to knowledge or integrety. See? My disdain for this punk ain’t because he doesnt like me or NACHI. I could care less what this mutt thinks.

Todd has been a non-entity for some time. We cant figure out what he is, or is not. His behaviour has been erratic. His late night telephone assaults are legendary. He doesnt like some of us, and assigns blame to everyone but himself. He wrestles with personal demons, and lashes out at others because of his own lack of self-control. It’s tragic, really.

As for you… You demonize members of ESOP. This is unfortunate, as you wouldnt know any of us if you hit us with your car. We receive complaints all the time. I personally field an average of 25 complaints over members per month. Most are garbage. On the other hand, we have others who believe we should act like the NACHI police. Its not our jobs to do that. We have people sniping from the sidelines constantly. No matter what we do, its either not good enough, or we are zealots. I can assure you, it is the furthest thing from the truth. We are personally attacked, through e-mail, private messages, telephone calls, reputation dings, or via posts on this message board. We take it, for the most part. When we fight back, we are wrong.

For those who sit back and watch, or bitch and moan, I laugh. We have a lot of talkers in NACHI, but the list of actual doers is limited to a handful.

As to you and I, it’s unfortunate that we didnt have the opportunity to meet when I visited Phoenix. I think you would have left with a different impression of me than the one you may currently hold.

As to you and I, it’s unfortunate that we didnt have the opportunity to meet when I visited Phoenix. I think you would have left with a different impression of me than the one you may currently hold.

Joe… The facts are, we all reprensent our profession in one way or another, seeing your and busharts replys to posts like this one on an open bb are what not only what I see, it is what the public also see’s.

I could care less what happens in private… Personnaly I would never think of replying with other fighting words, ie the launage used on an open bb, private emails etc would be my only source of responding…

What I care about is when our profession is exposed on an open bb to the public in this manner…

You are always running your mouth and always putting NACHI down as an association and putting Nick down as a person.

>How do your constant and venomous comments “Help” our Profession? The answer is simple. They don’t! <

Well guess what Dan? A lot us are sick and tired of your sh*t. Just because we are on a committee does not mean that we are forced to take crap off of you.
I for one applaud Joe Farsetta’s response to Todd and his idiotic ranting. I guess that Todd used up all of his “free rides”. So have you!

Hey… he left off JM.

Some day I’ll make the list… :mrgreen:

Proably because he can’t spell “JM”:smiley:

You are joking, Frank…but for real, dan had best be equally concerned about the professional image he projects with his second grade reading and writing skills.

Are you guys in violation of NACHI COE 3.6? If not, give me an example of what would be a violation, please.

Careful, there, John. You are about to let your bias show again.
Where were you with your inquiry and indignation when your friend, Todd, took the first shot?:wink:

James, Is Todd a member?

Typical biased reply James.

I’m not the one to ask, Mr. President. Perhaps the Executive Director can help you determine that one.:wink:

James, my question was to your point.

Since Todd is not a member, he is not bound by our COE, correct? Members are, which I think is what John was referring to, but I’m more than happy to let him speak to that.

Todds original post was, well, very Todd. I had an opinion of him after a few of his very first posts, and somehow he’s never done anything to change that. His posts tell us who he is. Responding only gives him a platform.


Sometimes, when pathetically ignorant pukes take their shots…naming names…over and over again…they get it back, in kind.

Todd is a lowlife scum and he was treated like one. I think Joe F. showed a great degree of restraint, frankly.

As president, perhaps you can do something to protect members from having disgusting arsewipes like Todd from coming on the board and provoking members with his antagonistic crap — instead of suggesting that the recipients of his garbage simply “take it”.

Is that your example. You of all people accuse me of bias and the ESOP finds me in violation.

When did Todd become my friend. Or are you in fact, making a biased comment.

Damn, give me someone from the ESOP committee to talk to that makes sense and is not cynnical. Joe Ferry will do. Hang on, I’ll call him.

James, I think you just broke another bb rule. But, alas, I really don’t know because I can’t find them. Where are they posted?


Joe, you and Frank are certainly able to respond however you’re inclined to do. I don’t blame Joe for getting mad and responding at all. I don’t think your characterization of “restraint” fits though.

Nick wants a free, open and unmoderated board, and has not agreed with me, John, Joe, or anyone else who has wanted the board cleaned up a little. I understand his position. Therefore, the only moderation available at this point is self restraint.

When we dirty the board ourselves, it is difficult at best to ask others to clean it up.


Any other questions, John?

Let me ask, again. Where was your indignation and ire when your friend, one you are proud to call your friend, took the first shot?

This summer, I also received a drunken phone call from Todd at 2:00 AM. Then Todd has the nerve to go on line and say “I spoke to Frank and he seems like a nice guy but, he is just brainwashed by Joe Farsetta.”
When someone tries to make a point or to convince someone to see their “point of view” it should not be done in a drunken state.

I say that Joe gave Todd a lot less than what he deserves.

Kudos to you Joe!

I would have thought 3.3, but either way, the question still stands.

Reading my friends, Bushart, Carrio, Farsetta and everyone else’s replys.