From what I hear, you are a hell of a nice guy. That being said, and your dislike for Nick on the side, please keep the following in mind:
Despite your habit of harassing many on this message board, you at least have the integrety of NOT bitching or making issue of your nonmember status. You are consistent. You dont whine.
Todd, on the other hand, is a constant WHINER. He quits; comes back; gets thrown out; begs for forgiveness; and so on. He is feckless, and probably couldnt hold your JOCKSTRAP when it comes to knowledge or integrety. See? My disdain for this punk ain’t because he doesnt like me or NACHI. I could care less what this mutt thinks.
Todd has been a non-entity for some time. We cant figure out what he is, or is not. His behaviour has been erratic. His late night telephone assaults are legendary. He doesnt like some of us, and assigns blame to everyone but himself. He wrestles with personal demons, and lashes out at others because of his own lack of self-control. It’s tragic, really.
As for you… You demonize members of ESOP. This is unfortunate, as you wouldnt know any of us if you hit us with your car. We receive complaints all the time. I personally field an average of 25 complaints over members per month. Most are garbage. On the other hand, we have others who believe we should act like the NACHI police. Its not our jobs to do that. We have people sniping from the sidelines constantly. No matter what we do, its either not good enough, or we are zealots. I can assure you, it is the furthest thing from the truth. We are personally attacked, through e-mail, private messages, telephone calls, reputation dings, or via posts on this message board. We take it, for the most part. When we fight back, we are wrong.
For those who sit back and watch, or bitch and moan, I laugh. We have a lot of talkers in NACHI, but the list of actual doers is limited to a handful.
As to you and I, it’s unfortunate that we didnt have the opportunity to meet when I visited Phoenix. I think you would have left with a different impression of me than the one you may currently hold.