I see that ICA comes with a year long membership to interNACHI for 695 dollars. I also hear that it’s a very good program for it being entirely online. What do you guys think? Did anybody here graduate from ICA?
Institute of Contemporary Art? J/k.
You do realize that’s what InterNachi does as well, right?
I think you would be more qualified with Internachi cert over ICA cert
I had a mentee shadowing me today, he is an ICA graduate. He said they followed ASHI SoP which I thought was interesting. None the less, why do both ICA and NACHI? (he is now enrolled in NACHI, not sure why)
I was thinking that too. Why would you give a year long subscription to your competitor?
Oregon’s SOPs are also based off of ASHI. It’s most likely just because when Oregon got licensing back in the mid-90s InterNACHI wasn’t around. Seems like only a matter of time before they switch.
InterNACHI is accredited. That’s the big difference as I see it.
ICA, ASHI and the rest, are not.
Thanks Nick.
the issue with InterNACHI, if you dont pay your dues you loose your certification and cant display it or say you are InterNACHI certified. with the other HI schools. once you complete it you keep your certification forever, and can display your badge. This is one thing that needs to change with InterNACHI in my opinion. Your CPI should not go away if you stop your membership, As it was earned. No other school pulls they student degree’s, diploma, certificate if they don’t keep paying the school. once its earned its your forever.
I get it it keep home inspectors paying for the membership, But still should be changed.
Thank you for info. Sounds like they followed Microsoft. No more buying have to rent. If received cert at age 18 that’s means I’ll be paying for the next 45 yrs??? That will not work well with me. was going to join this weekend but you saved me $27,000. Not worth it. I go with somebody else.
yeah, but where else can you get a degree for $300??
That’s why you have to keep paying for it, otherwise, you would join for 6 months and quit.
But I doubt Internachi has ever gone after anyone legally for using the CPI membership if their membership wasnt active…
I learn new things on this forum all the time. We also have the excellent collection of online courses for CE credit.
Why would anyone think they can learn everything they need to know at 18 years old and have a long and successful career without continuous learning? Only a fool talks like that.
There are too many people taking the easy and cheap path to this profession and they will not last.
As someone that is newer and younger to this profession, ( I am 25) I think Nachi is easily worth the $500 a year. When you put it as $27,000, it does sounds expensive, but you get a lot! I’m not sure where you are located, but in Ohio, every 3 years you need continuing education. Since NACHI is approved for continuing education in Ohio, that basically pays for one year of dues. Also, you could save a lot of money eating rice and beans, but meat and other food is way more delicious, and you will be way happier. So you could possibly save money not having a NACHI membership, but it will be much harder to learn, maybe to the point of not being skilled enough to stay in business. In that case you lose way more money than $27000. This forum is invaluable. The people on here have so much knowledge and are happy to help anyone that asks. You can choose whatever you may want, but I think for what NACHI provides, $500 a year is a steal!
Yes, when I started looking into becoming a home inspector a few years ago, ICA was the online certification that I chose. I got initially certified through them. I didn’t know about InterNACHI until completing their course. I believe that I learned through ICA that it would be a good idea to join a national organization, such as ASHI or InterNACHI, and yes Nick, I realize you’re international
I researched both ASHI and InterNACHI and chose InterNACHI because it seemed like a better fit for me and I’m glad I did. I then completed the steps to become CPI certified and the rest is history.
Hey Austin,
That may have been a typo. But in Ohio you need 14 hrs of continuing education every year, and need to renew your license every 3 years.
And I will add, being a member of InterNACHI has been one of the best business decisions that I have made in my 21 years in the home inspection field.
Good morning
I understand about continuing education Im all for it and still study everyday because of my job.
Thank you for information. I live on Long Island NY. Reconsidering about going with Internachi.
Best Regards
Dwayne Spies
Yeah I should have been more clear. Every 3 years you submit your CE certificates for each year to renew your license. You are right though, you need to take the CE every year.
If the CPI designation is tied to your required ongoing continuing education, then you have your answer.
Maybe it is a money grab, but many organizations require you to stay in good standing and have continuing education in order to use the brand. Realtor is a good example.