Energy loss, roof leaks, overloaded circuits, termites… pretty amazing.
Nick, just charge about half as much and nobody will want to scan your head…:shock:
849.00…a little ridicules I’d say.
Yeah. Power of nines isn’t going to save you here.
For a two day class, that’s out of this universe.
Maybe if they included the equip.
I Have Heard Of Courses Costing Much More In Canada!!not To Mention The Cost Of Equipment In The Thousands$$$
You wouldn’t see me at a class in Canada either Mario…:shock:
FLIR and other IR course companies usually charge about $1500 for 5 day courses that lead to a Level 1 or Building Science certificate. So $849 for 2 days is a bit steep.
Nick, how about getting Flir to offer this introductory class for free or at greatly reduced price to NACHI members. That $50 discount is an insult. They would likely get more students and more interest in purchasing their products if they offered the class at a reasonable price, say $150. Show me how to use the equipment and how I can make it work in my business and I am more likely to purchase one.
I will have a Thermal Imaging for Home Inspectors Power Point available, soon (Yeah, I know. I have been busy) free for NACHI members to download from this site.
Hope this helps.
I’ve had an interest in Thermo cameras for awhile, and living in a cold climate, thought that I might make use of one, but holy cow…
the price of that stuff is unbelievable!!
I’m looking at one of the latest “Equipment Catalogs”, and they want
oh my, my heart stopped…just a sec:shock:
ah, thats better, just needed a little jump start
THOUSANDS ? Ya right…:mwa-hah:
I’m with Joe, offer the class for free, or $100 like the Certified Nachi seminar I just attended in Denver (which by the way was excellent for the price)
and companies like Flir would have a captive audience to market to.
Can’t help but comment on how expensive, and we have to bring our own cameras? yikes…
Are we re-defining the term visual as it pertains to a Home Inspection . . . ??