Inadequate workspace for panel

Would you write this up? 1971 townhome for a seller pre-listing. Curious what the long-timers would do. I would rather leave it out of the report but I have to CMA.

This closet did not provide adequate workspace for the panel. It appears to have been built this way and there is most likely nothing the seller can do about it.

Would you still write it up as a defect, or maybe an informational?

Edit: @rmeier2 @gwells @jmilby @rkenney Was this allowed in 1971?

Extra credit pic :smiley:
Same panel…The last picture shows multiple grounded conductors crimped together under one bus screw which I’m writing up as a defect. The top bundle even includes a grounding conductor crimped along with the grounded conductors. I’m 99.99% sure that wasn’t even allowed in 1971 but I thought I’d throw it in to get your take since I’m already posting.

I checked the 1965 NEC and working space was required in 1965.


Especially on pre-listing inspections I’d call things like this out. You are not doing them any favors by going “easy”. They hired you to give them an idea what can/will come up at the next inspection.


Absolutely how I see it, too.

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And, if you miss anything, it will be compared to the buyer’s inspection.

Which is why I am not a fan of pre-listings. Because if they want an ‘easy’ report to give to the buyer, then I am probably not their man.

And, after they see the report, they would have to disclose any major issues that they now know about.


Yeah, it seems to be a regional thing…I’m a HUGE fan of pre-listings because they entail 95%+ of my business / inspections. They’re almost always ordered by the listing REA to supplement the seller’s disclosure and my reports are shared with buyers.

I don’t write soft and I let the REA’s and client(s) know this up front :slight_smile:

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“Leaving it out” of the report could come back to haunt you. When you do a seller’s report your work will most likely be “checked” when the buyer does their Home Inspection. If the buyer’s HI flags it and you didn’t the seller has good reason to leave a bad review. Always remember, you are not there to influence the sale, up or down, but to simply report defects in the condition of the property.

Or fix the issues.


I would not put something like that in an inspection report. Whenever you cite a deficiency, you should also explain what the hazard is or the consequences of not correcting a deficiency. Saying that you don’t think there is enough working space is outside your purview unless you can cite a specific hazard or adverse consequence that would materially affect the habitability or value of the home.

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