Hey y’all, looking for more information on when single tab shingles were used, discontinued, and any known manufactures.
Been googling away but roofing company’s kill the algorithm. Pics for reference
Hey y’all, looking for more information on when single tab shingles were used, discontinued, and any known manufactures.
Been googling away but roofing company’s kill the algorithm. Pics for reference
We don’t see that product in this area, wish I could help. The exposed sealing strips are a definenate installation defect
It’s been identified on this forum a few times. Finding the old thread is as rare as the shingle
@jfudge seems like it may have been you, but I doubt my memory is serving me well.
I know it is well past its service life, this roof was like an ice skating rink on top with how slick it was. Not to mention the 8x8 ft patch and the multiple leaks. Just not sure of any manufactures that made the shingle. I’d guessestimate that this roof was about 25 years old.
Yep, @jfudge saved my bacon on this a few months ago. I believe they are called an Owens/Corning Patriot Strip Shingle but all I’m coming up with on a search is starter strip shingles. They are about the ugliest roof I’ve ever seen but whatever… as long as it works I suppose.
My problem was the inspector for the buyers when my client was selling 5 years later called them all starter shingles and some knucklehead contractor agreed and it was a real crapshow. Once I was able to produce the info that it was, in fact, an actual shingle everyone was fine with it. The ones I was dealing with were only a few years old and in good shape. OP, whatever it is it looks like you have plenty there to call out.
Yeah definitely had a lot of issues that I did not post about beyond these couple photos.
Mainly I was looking for more information about the shingle itself, if available. This guy is aware he’s looking at a new roof. This whole street had the shingle, and one neighbor was actively having their shingles and sheathing replaced while we were inspecting. The previous sheathing was old wood shake shingle on that roof.
I’ve seen this a couple times before but just looking for manufacture info so I can better educate my clients if possible. And also to use in some of the presentations to realtor boards.
More fun photos included.
Thanks for a second time
I was searching for Owens Corning and now I remember it’s Certain Teed.