I’ve taken the Nachi course to become infrared “certified”. Is the Infraspection basic course any more than the Nachi course, or should I just go right to the Level 1 class? Don’t want to waste time and money on something that might be redundant. Thanks in advance for your input.
Go to Level I with Infraspection or with Monroe Technology
After the basic course, or skip the basic course?
The basic home course if I remember right is part of infraspections level 1. The modules you take in the home course go toward your level 1 even the cost. I would call to verify
Always worth mentioning… I don’t think you can compare LIVE / In person training vs Online. ITC has classes in Vegas and Los Angeles, I took my level 1 in Vegas… Or, jump on a plane to Jersey…
Do you have a link for ITC?
Thanks. And ITC is well respected? They have a class in L.A., which is convenient.
Infraspection has my personal recommendation. Excellent choice.
ITC is FLIRs’ training division.
So, I couldn’t apply it to a Testo camera?
And I would like to use them, but it’s not very convenient geographically.
ITC has a Building Investigations Level I course, but not offered as often as the standard Level I. Good course and good instructors. You can use any camera you want for the course. They don’t really teach you how to specifically operate your own camera…should know that before you get there.
You can do it online: http://www.nachi.org/documents2012/InterNACHI-Partners-with-Infraspection-for-Training-1.pdf
It seems to me that a live class would be better.
Do you “need” a camera for the course, or do they provide one? Everyone says, most people it seems, that you should take the class before purchasing a camera.
You should have a camera to use in a live class. There are a few small lab exercises to do. You can rent one for the class if you want to wait on purchasing one. You will also need one to do the final Thermography Report on a real life field assignment after the class is finished.
I agree, have/borrow/rent a camera… preferably with manual level/span etc to learn how, where and why to adjust. I agree that online courses have benefits, but doing the labs in person had several benefits IMO. I don’t have some of the heating/drilled items that helped me understand Spot Sizes and capabilities that cameras have and don’t have… having an instructor standing close by was really helpful IMO. Sure, the book material (of which I’m sure all the schools give you a binder/cd etc to take home and use/reference) can be done in front of the computer, but IMO… I feel like I would have missed out.
I’ve been considering this camera, the Testo 870-2, http://blog.ivytools.com/2014/03/03/first-review-testo-870-1-and-testo-870-2-thermal-imager/, with the enhancer. It looks like a lot of camera for the money. Would it have all the features necessary, and not leave me wanting more in the near future?
If you are serious about IR you will always want more. Buy the best you can afford and start from there. Its not just another tool its a passion;-)