a sealer on inside? look at the photo they want us 2 see, top left… there will be some exterior openings along grade and possibly above grade and possibly below grade (yeah maybe ext-cracks in wall, especially at-near corner). I would do a water test with a hose to determine these possibilites BEFORE homeowner spends 1 cent, didn’t read that here eh.
They say, It IS possible to seal concrete block basement walls, in fact it CAN be done from the INTERIOR
Now that’s big wozzzzzzzzzzzzzzers… really folks? Okay, if you say so gotta be true.
Near end of article we have a, ‘Reader question’ lol
The reader says they have lots of cracks in block foundation walls and has efflorescence and seepage in some areas…
In part their answer talks about a supposed honest DE-watering guy they know
Why not say something like, if there are lots of cracks in block F wall (s) and some efflorescence and some seepage then you WILL need some exterior waterproofing done 'n backfilled correctly… instead of bringing up roof runoff and a dewatering guy from the get go, sheehs, okay well there ya go CA land-man has his professional speaker.
So yeah, sheesh i’m questioning their answers, is that okay? lol Some gonna cry about it? Am not taking a dump on 'em, just questioning what they wrote
Slapping stuff on the inside of block basement walls, hmmmm, will THAT stop water from entering and building up inside the cores? lol What about deteriorating exterior blocks?
yeah it’s KKKK lol, allow water to keep entering and slap stuff on the inside and check roof run off and sure get new gutters and have downspout ext’s run out to the street, better yet, run them towards neighbors house, they love you 4 it, got milk?