Inspecting the constuction of news homes

Originally Posted By: jlyons1
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I am looking for some advice about how to price out an inspection project with a builder. I have been asked to inspect a home throughout the building process. Has anyone done this? How did you price it out? Did you charge per inspection or did you come up with a price for the project? If we are talking about a $400,000.00 home being built what would be a fair price to charge? This project is a first me. So any advice would be greatly appreciated. The building of the home is a 3-6 month project so I need some advice as to how to price it out. Thanks to any and all who can help me out here!

John Lyons

The Lyon's Den Home Inspection Services, LLC

Originally Posted By: dbush
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

John, Do a search on the archieves for “phase inspections”. I think the price depends on how many times you plan to go out. There are several threads about it.

Dave Bush

MAB Member


Originally Posted By: jburkeson
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Hi John,

I try to base my labor at $100/Hr. Four-Phase inspections sell for $200 per phase to the buyer.

When working for the builder he may want you to inspect by division. this could require 16 to 20 inspection visits at an average of one hour each.

Be open and discuss with the builder his expectations, once you know what he wants figure how long that will take and multiply by whatever you feel is a fair price for your time.

Just like the inspection industry started out small there is a growing need for project managers to work for buyers who have contracted with a builder to build a new house to monitor the construction and represent the buyer to the builder. I am hoping to add this service to my inspection business.

Joe burkeson

Joseph Burkeson, RPI (Hooperette)

?Anyone who has proclaimed violence his method inexorably must choose lying as his principle.?
~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn