Good day inspection superheroes, I seek any club member experience input about inspecting trailor homes. Since there is no specific place to post this query I just had to choose a relevant sounding heading. A mortgage officer asked if I do trailor inspections and now I want to find out others’ input…done any? any special considerations? do you charge the same? etc. I see interNACHI offers a course in this area but first I would like to hear what others have to say.
thanks for any input
Mike in MN
Too broad a question to offer a meaningful reply. Take the Nachi course, then return to ask your questions. There are too many differences between trailer/mobile/manufactured and traditional homes to generically address without a specific question.
I say do it.
Doing a manufactured home inspection is no big deal. Manufactured homes do have certain things to look for and be aware of like PB plumbing and foundation issues. That being said for purchases that are VA or FHA mortgage guaranteed a state registered professional engineer is required to certify the foundation. Just make it clear if you are not a PE you are not certifying the foundation. Buyers and their realtors are not always clear what they are looking for and maybe disappointed[angry] if you don’t provide a PE foundation certification.
thanks for these replies…i am taking the nachi mobile home course which contains bazillions of technical data bits, which i hope are more or less FYI and the important stuff is structure and safety. gerald…good tip, will be heeded. I am currently working on constructing an alliance with a foundation engineer company which subcontracts inspectors to do the grunt work and then performs the tech side (ie i take pictures and provide dimensions and they firgure out if everythings kosher) but thats yet another story.
thanks you guys rock!!
mike in MN