inspection software

I would like to hear about what home inspection software is recommended.

Thanks Jim

Are you trying to start another fight? Just kidding, that topic has been covered in detail.
There are many available, the two most popular seem to be Homeguage and Home Inspector Pro.
I use Homegauge. I find it to suit my needs perfectly and they have a wonderful staff and support system.

I agree with Ken. I use Home Inspect Pro and like it. Dom offers a free trial dont know about Home Gauge but the Inspectors that use it here like it almost as much as the those that use HIP. LOL

True,I agree with the above.
HG and HIP are dominant followed by 3D if you go by the forum users here.
Look at the samples to see which final product seems to have the best finished result.

Any software you use will have a learning curve and then you will get used to working it no matter, so consider the client viewing the PDF and how it would look to them.

The other bigger options are Report Host and Horizon.
Horizon is the better of the two but is expensive unless you are doing higher volume.
Both also are recurring charges.

Report Host may seem cheap till you start adding up how much it costs x (number inspections).

There are many word format reports but they are not in the same category as the speedy Java format of say Home Inspector Pro which loads hundreds of pictures in seconds.

Last option I can think of is doing reports from a PDA and you may want to look into Jeff Knights software though I am not even sure if he gives free trials.
Sorry but no way can I recommend a paper report like Matrix as that is the old way from before computers and not a good way to run your business.

Pick a few and use the free trials to go for a spin.
Dominic will set you up with his and a fully working system for a few months if you wish to go for a spin however I am not sure about the others.

Last thing to look for is if they upcharge you for upgrades or have different levels(tiers),upgrades,etc, which is a way of tricking you into paying for the software over and over again so be careful.

I agree, I use Home Inspector Pro. It is a very user friendly and versatile program.

Colorado Springs Home Inspection

Odd as the poll you ran ranks Inspectvue third most popular??