I especially like the “piercing the corporate veil” part and the RICO suggestion. Hopefully this country will realize that these patent trolls are stifling innovation and do something (either legislative or judicial) to put them out of business.
Think of the harm that the chilling effect of their false claims has caused to an entire class of home inspectors and by extension to the consuming public. Those many inspectors might have engaged in providing valuable infrared inspection services to their clients, but did not because of the threat of unwarranted lawsuits made by this company.
Chuck, I hold you in very high regards.
You excell as a thermographer, an InterNACHI member, you are a knowledgeable home inspector, an astute individual and great InterNACHI college that has helped many but, I feel you owe Nick Gromicko an apology.
Personally, I have only known Mr. Gromicko to be helpful to everyone around him and in the corner of every home inspector, including the home inspection industry.
Do not be so certain, and please avoid your knee-jerk insults.
Let us see if Chuck’s memory is up to snuff.
He left NACHI, and for some time, although he posted here regularly.
If I am right, me thinks your INACHI nickname might bear fruit.
I to will be awaiting an apology.