IR Camera for $4495;00


That is what I paid for my BCAM last year.

Gee so glad for you .
I could not find one for any thing close to that price when I bought mine just before Christmas.


Roy, I can sell my Cam for what I paid in two years and not loose! :wink:

Again, thanks to NACHI!

You guys just found this info out :roll: :roll:
Dang, new info comes slow to nacho members, picked mine up last week, used it on my last 8 inspections.

Is that the nacho discount price ? :roll:
Ashi members from AZ have been buying them like hotcakes for $4049.00 :smiley: :smiley:

Very interesting Dan just shows how, you had a chance to help your fellow inspectors and you did not.
Such a shame so much tallent and you are wasting it .

Actually I did share the info on a professional site, the day I found out about it] operated by one of your members, where the owner of the site does not call other inspectors, stupid, scum bags, and members there do not send reddies , with sick disgusting profanity, when I post info.that is helpful.

Just got off the ph with one of your members, told him how he can also buy it for the same price I did, with out having to pay any body, or org to get the same discount.

There is one vender, from Calif. selling them for the full price, and offering free IR training.

It was launched at InspectionWorldfor $4049. 11 were sold at the show by one vendor.

11? Every attendee bought one then :wink: .

But Dan, you have, by your own admission, never taken a class or recieved a certification.

Training, of industry standard certification (i.e., Level 1, 2 or Building Science).

Did you take the training?

Funny as He7L!!!:smiley:

Wrong… I never said I haven’t taken a class.

Yes, I stated I have never received a certification.
Did you ever see me tell anybody how to do an IR inspection:roll: :roll:

So… Whats your point… Pay you $500.00 the Almighty, with less than 2 yrs in the HI profession, less than 1 yr with an IR camera on buildings, that thinks he knows it all, only to have the info provided, disputed by professionals that have in field experience.

Gotta buy a couple of them blower doors, than may you can earn a little creditiabilty with experienced professionals in the energy insp. field. :twisted: :twisted:

Oh BTY .The terms/ names made by one of your members in an email to me describes you , and fits you well:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

OK. Let’s take this one at a time, OK?

What, when and where. Little people post things that are not provable.

Cite it, or shut the heck up. Do so, either in public, here, or in private e-mail or on the phone.

To my mind, if you had it, you would have posted it.

But you haven’t.

So, here is yours right back at you.

“I have it on good authority that Dan is a chronic masterbator who regularly sneaks into the rest rooms in a local elementry school because he gets off on the smell of little boys and this is the only form of sexual satisfaction he can enjoy. I have an e-mail that proves it”

PLEASE NOTE: The above sentences (in quotes) are not real and only being used as an example of a person’s twisted reasoning.

See what I mean, Dan?

LOL… are you saying if I pay you $500.00 to make sure I stay awake I am then an educated, certified, professional IR inspector.:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

So, you really don’t know what you are doing, with regards to IR. WHat proof do you have that you are a “qualfiied and professioanal thermographer”?

Never claimed such. Did claim that I’ve done over 900 IR scans and never been proven wrong, including finding a dead cat filled with live maggets, :slight_smile:
I can say without any reservations, I learned far more about IR inspections, , science of thermography, readiing the thermal image, emissivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, identifing moisture concerns locating energy loss, investigative procedures and liminations, etc. from a $39.00 CD ,than from your state approved CE that your so proud of.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

No. But I did. I first did it back in 1981, when I taught at the University of Chicago medical school (Billings Hospital) to a class of interns, residents and attendings.

Seems like someone thought I was qualified, at least to the theory of IR scanning and thermal imaging.

Thats all, gosh you forgot to mention all your and your familys other qualificiations :twisted:

(Hint: scanning walls looking for moisture or cold air intrusion is a LOT easier than scanning for breast cancer, brain leisions and burn victim infections. And there is a LOT less liability.)


LOL… LOL :twisted: :twisted:
Better talk to your partner. Last I heard all that info, and training is worthless in IR building inspections.

So, I can only assume that you are just a stalker and have no desire to actually solve the problem (much less, clearly state it) that you have with me.

LOL. I’ll leave the stalking to your buddy bushy.
I hear he’s pretty good at it.:smiley: :smiley:

So the class that you and John Mckenna teach is free? I thought that it was $500 or that is what it has on the website.

So I voted for Bush. What does that have to do with the point of this post?

You mean you charged guys $500.00 for an IR certificiation with a 1/2
***-d prepared class with IR info that was not completed / fine tuned or verified first by other IR professionals :roll: :roll: :roll:

Your asking me this question?? :roll: :roll:

And your questioning my qualifications, what about the qualifications, and IR knowledge of the guys that payed you $500.00 your clients] for your IR certification training, that you admit needed more fine tuning before charging them $sss for it. :roll: :roll:

I can say without any reservations, I learned far more about IR inspections, , science of thermography, readiing the thermal image, emissivity, reflectivity, transmissivity, identifing moisture concerns locating energy loss, investigative procedures and liminations, etc. from a $39.00 CD ,than from your state approved CE that your so proud of.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hey, people? WHo you gonna believe? Danny boy or the State’s or Illinois, Wisconsin and Indiana, as well as the NACHI convention in Toronto.
Your choice.

LOL… Nick already claimed that state CE was worthless, grade school stuff.
Can’t argue with the cheif dictator on that, can we?? :slight_smile:

You continue to state that Nick knows nothing, then you take his word for it about state CE.

You always want things both ways. In that way, you can continue to appear like you are never wrong.

But, I believe, the people reading this are smart enough to make up thei8r own minds.