(Kenneth Bartley, CMI®)
January 3, 2016, 9:31pm
Absolutely love the software. The biggest thing I miss from HIP is the “one touch button” for upload to ISN.
I see the benefits of using the .html report, and also see the benefits for Homegauge of keeping everything “in house”.
But surely there’s other inspectors, other than myself, who would like to see an easy way to upload a .pdf version of their report to ISN.
Is this on the radar at all?
(Mike Hazelwood, CMI)
January 3, 2016, 10:10pm
You my friend, are not alone in regards to wanting full ISN intergration!!!
(Larry Michael)
January 4, 2016, 12:11am
Agreed would love auto upload to ISN.
(Dave Fetty, CMI)
January 4, 2016, 12:14am
Everyone else does, it can’t be that hard.
(John Shishilla)
January 4, 2016, 12:52am
Absolutely love the software. The biggest thing I miss from HIP is the “one touch button” for upload to ISN.
I see the benefits of using the .html report, and also see the benefits for Homegauge of keeping everything “in house”.
But surely there’s other inspectors, other than myself, who would like to see an easy way to upload a .pdf version of their report to ISN.
Is this on the radar at all?
I am with you. The tech exists, Russ just has to decide to allow it.
(Mike Hazelwood, CMI)
January 4, 2016, 5:42am
Agreed. Russell needs to realize that if he doesn’t supply the demand, his biz is gonna suffer as a result. It’s only a matter of time.
Do something now before it’s too little too late.
(Steven S. Ramos)
January 5, 2016, 12:07am
I agree. I would like to see the option to fully integrate.
(Larry Michael)
January 5, 2016, 12:27am
Mike, to me it’s like the iOS app. Russell will only implement when he has to. I respect Russell a lot. He is a former home inspector and he seized an opportunity to create a great software and did so. But they are kinda stuck in their ways. They are or were not fans of iOS and 2 years later we are still waiting, I assume because Sean didn’t know how to or want to develop for it. Funny thing is when it comes to integration they are as walled off as Apple. A lot of us use ISN, especially multi-inspector firms. So it makes no sense not to have full integration.
I am hoping at some point they will start to be more open and ahead of the curve. A curve which they originally set.
(Robert Marouski, HOI.0000749)
January 5, 2016, 4:00pm
You are not alone, I agree with you on this. I Love HG Reports but am considering switching back over to HIP because they are fully integrated.
(Mike Hazelwood, CMI)
January 6, 2016, 6:55am
Full integration, download appointmento (already done), upload pdf or HTML versions!!! like I said “Full” intergration!!