Rest in Peace, aSHI.
Are you serious?
I know InterNACHI & ASHI where far apart from realizing the same ends goals, what is best for the Home Inspection industry in North America, the 2 North American Home Inspection associations fought litigiously, on various topics, with InterNACHI being the litigious aggressor, that ASHI was loosing market share, big time, as InterNACHI’s membership and Home Inspection Free Trade dominance grew and grew, “As Iron Sharpens Iron, So One Man Sharpens Another,” and that ASHI seemed to be falling on hard times for some time now, but what I did not realize was that ASHI was nearing the great financial demise, bankruptcy.
The ASHI Web site still up and running, although I did not click on all the links. And from what I have read on InterNACHI’s MB, and talking to members, ASHI helped the North American Home Inspection industry years ago, and on several fronts. Question, can/will ASHI reorganize/restructure, or will ASHI fade away to become an obscure North American Home Inspection Industry afterthought and another defunct home inspection association?
Looking forward to any feed back.
“Competition whose motive is merely to compete, to drive some other fellow out, never carries very far. The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. Businesses that grow by development and improvement do not die. But when a business ceases to be creative, when it believes it has reached perfection and needs to do nothing but produce-no improvement, no development-it is done.” Henry Ford
Had ASHI taken and applied this advice, it would still be on top rather than turning out the lights. Can NACHI escape a similar fate?
ASHI’s directors were convinced they had perfected the model for home inspection associations, focusing on the experienced inspector wanting a “credential” that set him apart from those who enter the industry with little capital, experience, and skill - with only 10% remaining in the industry after thirty-six months. ASHI’s business model ignored the never ending, self-replenishing assembly line of short term “newbies” entering and exiting the home inspection industry at a furious pace. They didn’t want them in their association, in particular, and in the industry, in general.
The market that ASHI rejected with the intent to set itself apart from, NACHI and an entire army of various and disconnected lead brokers embraced by offering “free” things and easy access to training with the hope (and, sometimes, only the illusion) of sustaining a business.
Anticipating the need for experienced members to set themselves apart from part-timers and brand new members, NACHI created the CMI credential. Thus, NACHI became the magnet that it is for anyone with a flashlight to start a business and a place for the fortunate survivors to set themselves apart, eliminating the need that ASHI modeled itself to fill.
While the 10% of the newbies who remained in the home inspection industry after three years continued their membership with NACHI, ASHI’s membership dwindled by attrition until there was nothing left.
Today, the objective observer can ponder whether the decline of ASHI was the result of a poor business model or a superior alternative to it. Time will tell if the lack of competition in the home inspection industry is a good thing or a bad thing.
If, for example, there was a home inspection association that promoted the protection of privacy for the public among its membership in effective and meaningful ways rather than to exploit it … could NACHI stand up to that kind of competition or would they suffer a similar fate as ASHI? The lead brokers couldn’t survive the rejection for they have contracts to fill with those who purchase the consumer leads they harvest from the flow of new inspectors in exchange for “free” stuff. The battle would be just as fierce and dirty as this one was … but who would the consumer choose if they had a choice - and knew it? In this regard, perhaps even NACHI has vulnerability considering its close association with (and, perhaps, dependence upon) them.
Yep. It was a good run.
InterNACHI hasn’t had any competition in many years. aSHI had become little more than an expensive magazine subscription.
I called Ron Passaro and offered him a $2 million dollar cash bonus for getting a merger done. Better to absorb aSHI than to let it die.
Filtered through the lens of every hateful rant you’ve posted over the years regarding ASHI, I can’t imagine why you would want to do any such thing, unless there is a sizable “reward” in it for you somehow.
Requiring any ASHI member that uses that designation re- certify under interNACHI and pay the fees? Think about it…
I’m not sure I’d live to see that ROI. They don’t have many members and even fewer would join InterNACHI. They do so much harm to our profession, I think it is worth it to hurry them up and out of our industry.
Why so much money? Two million.
There is a federal law that states that when a non-profit dissolves, it must transfer its assets to ONLY another non-profit, and they own a building.
I am sure you could attract some of their members with incentives. And then you could give ASHI a proper burial and a way for their members to save face by being “absorbed”.
In Arizona, the SOP is based on the ASHI standard, not much different than the InterNACHI sop. Whatever.
Oregon SOPs are ashi based as well. Similar to InterNACHI but a few differences.
The apparent speed with which ashi is falling is somewhat surprising. I came into this about 22 years ago and it was nahi v. ashi with ashi having a clear advantage with membership and vision. Obviously, that has changed and InterNACHI has taken over in a HUGE way.
I believe that competition is good and am not sure ashi combining with InterNACHI is good but am also aware enough to realize that ashi must do something soon.