Now I gotta figure out how to use it.
Been looking at the videos.
Almost finished this one…HG Webinar Introduction for New HG Users.
You’re gonna love it. Did you get “services” too?
I don’t know!
I just won it yesterday.
$795 value. HG version 5 desktop license.
The videos are a good resource. If you use a system by system report, I recommend selecting and trying the NACHI System be System template from the Template tab. It follows the InterNACHI SOPs.
Good luck!
Onward and Upward!
Welcome Roy
I purchased it this spring/summer and love it. I give home gauge 5 stars! Your clients are going to love it. Good luck.
Can’t wait to try it:D
Good luck Roy and Shawn - HG is Awesome and the reports look great.
Not to mention with a little computer skills and help from the HG team you can customize your report.
Watch all of the tutorials, and you’ll catch on real quick.
That’s all I did. I’ve never needed to call support.
That’s all I have done. I’ve never needed to call support.
Gonna give it my best shot!
Check out the forum on the HG website too.
I’m waiting on my license info.
I just sent you your info by email Roy! We are here to help. Many times the inspector buys and we get several calls from him a day or a week and as he or she learns then the calls become less and we know he has figured it out! So feel free to call on us as you need.
A good primer to watch is on youtube HomeGauge Workshop with Russell Parts 1-9
Welcome to HomeGauge!
Home Gauge is the originator of home inspection software.
All the rest are copycats and wannabes.
Linas! After all we’ve been through we finally have one thing in common but that one thing isn’t my good looks
Roy there is many things you can customize , I had it for years and still finding things to do with it