Good morning, Just wanted to see what everyone is using for ladders I’m looking at getting something different. Right now I’m looking at the Little Giant type ladders either a 22’ or 26’ any thoughts on these ladders? Do I need one that extends that tall?
I have a 26, 20 and a 16. They are Costco brand but similar to little giant just less money . Used them for over four years now and for home inspection the do all I ever need.
Bought one at SAMs club and ordered the others
I have those 3 as well.
I don’t use the 26 very often, but it is there when needed.
I got the 26 off Craigslist.
It was brand new still in the wrapper with all the extra attachments and all I paid was $100 .
I watch CL everyday for deals.
I bought a 17’ ladder from Harbor freight, it was only $100 on sale and seems to be a great ladder so far and well built and very sturdy, in case you have a Harbor freight in your area.