In view of how many things contain asbestos!
Flippers Code…* “It’s only illegal if you get caught”!*
Are you inferring that you prefer “poles”? Explains alot! :mrgreen:
Kevin, is this what you would write in your report; and/or tell your clients verbally?
Don’t know why it had to go any further than what was said here.
I would hope you CMIs understand the difference between Category I and Category II ACM and how each needs to be handled.
But then again.
Were you talking to me Mike?
CATEGORY I non-friable ACM
Category I non-friable ACM is any asbestos-containing packing, gasket, resilient floor covering or asphalt roofing product which contains more than one percent (1%) asbestos as determined using polarized light microscopy (PLM) according to the method specified in Appendix A, Subpart F, 40 CFR Part 763. (Sec. 61.141)
Category I non-friable ACM must be inspected and tested for friability if it is in poor condition before demolition to determine whether or not it is subject to the Asbestos NESHAP. If the ACM is friable, it must be handled in accordance with the NESHAP. Asbestos-containing packings, gaskets, resilient floor coverings and asphalt roofing materials must be removed before demolition only if they are in poor condition and are friable.
The Asbestos NESHAP further requires that if a facility is demolished by intentional burning, all of the facility’s ACM, including Category I and II non-friable ACM, be considered RACM and be removed prior to burning (Sec. 61.145©(10)). Additionally, if Category I or Category II non-friable ACM is to be sanded, ground, cut, or abraded, the material is considered RACM and the owner or operator must abide by the following (Sec. 61.145©(1)):
(i) Adequately wet the material during the sanding, grinding, cutting or abrading operations.
(ii) comply with the requirements of 61.145©(3)(i) if wetting would unavoidably damage equipment or present a safety hazard.
(iii) Handle asbestos material produced by the sanding, grinding, cutting, or abrading, as asbestos-containing waste material subject to the waste handling and collection provisions of Section 61.150.
CATEGORY II non-friable ACM
Category II non-friable ACM is any material, excluding Category I non-friable ACM, containing more than one percent (1%) asbestos as determined using polarized light microscopy according to the methods specified in Appendix A, Subpart F, 40 CFR Part 763 that, when dry, cannot be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure. (Sec. 61.141)
Category II non-friable ACMs (cement siding, transite board shingles, etc.) subjected to intense weather conditions such as thunderstorms, high winds or prolonged exposure to high heat and humidity may become “weathered” to a point where they become friable.
The following table lists examples and other relevant information about Category I and Category II non-friable ACM.
I installed transit pipe, asbestos shingles, VAT, and most every building product out there that contains friable and non-friable asbestos out there.
I am still alive.
That’s one Marcel.
Now about the other one
Thanks everybody for the feedback…I got enough info now to write it.
Thanks … David
Really? Can you show me where you got this information?
Yes, I am curious too! Haven’t installed transit pipe since the early 70’s, but excavated some in the ground in 2010, and contained asbestos.
Never seen any without.
But I could be wrong. :mrgreen:
Can’t this thread just die a peaceful death? :roll:
You know KEVIN won’t answer. AGAIN
Check into BNZ materials inc. I have seen pipes however not sure if they have the diamond pattern because I have not seen them on an inspection.
This house displayed is not BNZ that is why I said I agree it is ASBESTOS transite.
:roll: :roll:
I smell rabbits.
You know KEVIN won’t answer. AGAIN[/QUOTE]
So much for that EH!
Oh, and you forgot this.
Go digging Michael!
It’s always the same with you meat head.
It took you two days to support your stupid claim.
People have you figured out. Get over it.
The meat heads “evidence” is from a flickr page for crying out loud. What a maroon.
Anyone see pipe listed? :roll:
What say you meat head?
You are just born a X X X!
Do you see asbestos.
I agree Silica dust( Non- cancerous)is not good for you as this is well known. However the effects of Asbestos are much worse so are Nano particles.
No more comments to you old X X X or your buddies.
Not all transite contains asbestos