Hello InterNACHI, I have forwarded you an email containing a summary home inspection report from a company called XXXXX Home Inspections. This inspector claimed that XXXX…
So I hired my own home inspector who is a Certified Master Inspector and a member of InterNACHI and he was able to determine that XXXX… and showed us why the first inspector was confused.
I wrote to the first home inspector and asked him what his credentials were as a home inspector. He replied to me that he is registered with XXXX.
I try to protect my clients, but so called inspectors like this are a disgrace. I only use InterNACHI inspectors and have never had a disappointed client so thank you for ensuring that your inspectors are knowledgeable and professional.
I don’t know, but 97% of all CMIs are members of InterNACHI anyway. There really aren’t too many inspectors who ever give up their InterNACHI memberships.
Awesome! The world of Realtors will soon become aware that only the BEST lead the rest. A Certified Professional Inspector, certified through InterNACHI and the Certified Master Inspector designation is the only way to go! It’s my job to get that message out there to EACH and EVERY Realtor across North America.
I’m glad to see NACHI finally changing it’s strategy to “brand itself” to the RE world rather than, as Nick has stated previously, rely on the inspectors to do it.
Now, if I can only get Nick to get on board to require proctored exams as a pre-requisite to becoming a NACHI CPI.
They are required to pass a proctored exam(s) in states/provinces that require proctored exams. InterNACHI’s requirements are on top of and in addition to whatever your state requires. Proctored exams for continuing education purposes harm consumers, so we don’t require them unless your state/province does.