Originally Posted By: Greg Fretwell This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would just say it was messy. Those all look like TV and phone so it isn’t a life safety issue. What is the white extension cord doing? That may be something.
Originally Posted By: mboehmer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Agree - appears as if it disappears into the wall stud…if it does should be written up as safety hazard. Also - can’t really tell from here - are circuits labeled?
Originally Posted By: Susan This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I had the same question as Ryan. Is this the interior of the house? The electric company wants 30" side to side clearance and 36" clearance in the front of the panel from ceiling to floor. Looks like the panel door can open freely 90 degrees.
Personally, I don't believe it is right. Just my opinion.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Not all power companies require the 30" clearance on sides. I see all sorts of enclosures, mostly at condos, which do not meet the requirement.
As to the cables present in the photo, they look like a combination of telephone drop and distribution cables. One looks like an unmounted figure 8 cable with lightning arrestor, while the white block looks like an old wire distribution punch-down block.
I'd ask them to mount it and dress the cables in. Other than that, nothing to be done, IMO
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
This electrical service equipment was already installed, and must have been inspected and met with the approval of the inspector at one time, I am sure, so the subject that goes beyond the original questions is of little value, and the clearances are adequate and look like they met the code in that year whenever.
Joe makes a good point and so does Ryan ...... but it is the .....
Messy wires that are communications, and others that are messy and sloppy, so all I would say is that they should be cleaned up a bit, and if that is not clear then call the telephone, or other utility and ask them to take a look.
I would ask, however, if the original cover on the right was in its up position or missing, and if it was missing I would make that known.