Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi Joe,
I live in North Kingstown, RI one of your "southern neighbors." 
I am selling my mother in laws home. The breaker box in her house has a
missing panel cover. I have no idea where it went to. I've looked everywhere in
R.I. and on the Internet and cannot locate one.
I am going to fabricate a new cover since it's easier/cheaper than replacing
the entire panel. My question is this:
I will replace the front panel with cut-outs for the individual breakers. Do
I also need to fabricate a door that covers the breaker handles? To be 100%
clear I am going to make a flat, steel panel that will cover the entire
front of the box and allow the front of the breakers to poke through. Would
it be OK to have the circuit breaker handles exposed (Where they could
possibly be bumped?) or do they need to be enclosed too?
Originally Posted By: bbadger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I would be willing to bet that this section would also be violated.
408.13 General.
All panelboards shall have a rating not less than the minimum feeder capacity required for the load computed in accordance with Article 220. Panelboards shall be durably marked by the manufacturer with the voltage and the current rating and the number of phases for which they are designed and with the manufacturer?s name or trademark in such a manner so as to be visible after installation, without disturbing the interior parts or wiring.
-- Bob Badger
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Moderator at ECN
Originally Posted By: jtedesco This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Jeff: Yes and Bob: Right on!
See 90.7 and 110.2 as well.
Thanks for your speedy and emphatic reply Joe. I take your advice seriously
and will replace the panel. I've done them before so I know what is
However I'm curious why it would not be OK for me to fabricate a panel. I
know it's not a safety issue so it must a legal one?