Originally Posted By: jclark1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hi. Any advice on moisture meters? Should I spend extra money on the better models, features? Do I need to get a meter with non-invasive measuring in addition to the standard pin test probes? I’m looking at the Protometer mini. Any advice out there?
Originally Posted By: whandley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Tramex Moisture Encounter Plus!
"I travel the globe to protect my clients!"
Progressive Inspection Service
California Home Inspectors
Orange County Home Inspectors
(949) 499-8054 Orange/Los Angeles Counties
(760) 943-7552 San Diego/Riverside Counties
Originally Posted By: jclark1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Hey thanks guys for the suggestions. I’m a little confused. The text description says nothing about invasive or pin type measuring yet the catalog shows accesories including what looks like meter leads. Are these for penetrating drywall, wood etc?
Originally Posted By: dvalley This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I'm a little confused. The text description says nothing about invasive or pin type measuring yet the catalog shows accesories including what looks like meter leads. Are these for penetrating drywall, wood etc?
If you're referring to the Tramex Moisture Encounter Plus, the pic does display two leads in the rear pocket but (like it states), this is an accessory only. Those leads do not adapt to the Tramex. I believe they are utilizing a mock case that is meant to be used for other meters also. The leads you are seeing are used on other meters, to get into tight areas, but the Tramex (that I own) does not have that option.
There is a much more expensive Tramex ($1100) The Tramex Concrete Moisture Meter and Relative Humidity Meter Datalogger Item #: M405-3982 that utilizes the Humidity/Temperature probes, but that tool is not worth the investment for a typical HI.