Hey Nick, thanks for backing me up and showing everyone it’s all about the numbers.
How about helping those members out once in a while? Maybe try to put some teeth in the NACHI name up here?
But, why bother. As long as the numbers continue to rise there is no need.
Congrats !
Hey Jason
Why are you so sour on Nachi solely? It seems to me there are other associations that bare just as much responsibility for doing a dismal job. Are you basing your opinions on the fact you are a former Nachi member? Or basing your opinions because you are an Oahi/Cahpi member? Curious.
That is because this is not Jason it is Dave Bottoms playing around again ,
He can not post under his own name so he just makes up a name the same as he makes up stories about NACHI .
He just can not stay away and he is so jealous about how NACHI members help NACHI members.
He has got himself restricted to what he can say on the CAFE and on the CANUK list so he comes here to learn and to try and upset us .
To bad he has no inspections lets see close to 9 years and he has averaged 1 a month so 12.5 years = 150 inspections.
Gee by the time he gets his RHI he will be like me getting the Canada pension.
Poor Dave unfortunately I do not think his nerves will let him live that long.
Roy Cooke A Happy NACHI member
Hey Raymond, as stated earlier I am an independent after turning sour on all the orgs. here in Canada.
You’re right, they all have their problems. I don’t think it is healthy for CAHPI to have so much say on what happens up here. It would be nice if NACHI took more of a stand, but I don’t see it happening based on previous issue’s.
Roy, you’re clueless.
I already stated who I am.
A stand on what?
Thanks Jason, … for a minute there I thought I was a lone voice, its nice to see non members wanting Nachi to take a stand on the bullies.