NACHI radio ads in Arizona to be replaced by TV ads.

Originally Posted By: Chris Prickett
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Ok, Joe, Mike, et al, I’ll try to explain this one more time:

9 guys who were on the NACHI "find an inspector" site were solicited to perform a home inspection in AZ. The agreed to price and terms ("yes Mr. Customer, I will do the inspection for $XX) These 9 were not licensed. This is a violation of state law. The investigation continues. It was also mentioned that another 21 people who where on the site were also being investigated. This has only come to light this week, and the BTR does not post anything until disciplinary action has been taken. The wheels of justice move slowly. If you go to the website, you'll find no disciplinary action on any professionals (this includes architects, engineers, surveyers, and inscpectors) since 5/04. Logic would tell you that the site is not up to the minute on actions of the disciplinary board. The nine were in fact "busted". I never said "convicted". Ask Kobe Bryant the difference.

FWIW, I was one of those that was on the fence about joining NACHI. I'm a three man shop, and growing, and have worked very hard to attain a good reputation. I have successfully marketed my business, growing to over $250K in revenues in under three years. I have freely shared my succesess and failures with both my comrades and competitors, some of them NACHI members(Hi Dan!). It's always been my philosophy that the bigger we make the pie, the more eatin' for everybody!

The "bunker mentality" of some of the residents of this board is frightening. There was a direct question asked by a NACHI member, and I resonded to it directly. I added no commentary, only the facts that were given at the meeting. Since that post, I've been insulted, attacked, and accused. I'm a pretty thick-skinned guy, but I know shark infested water when I see it. This will be my last post and visit to your board. Best of luck.

Chris Prickett
Landmark Home Inspection, LLC
"Your Home. Our Business.

Originally Posted By: dharris
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

Az may be a important state to nick, but from what i’ve seen the membership is limited to new inspectors with few exceptions, and will likley stay this way when posts made by non nachi members are twisted by members of this org to insinuate az is all ashi and corrupt.

Dammed if I'll promote this org here

The one nachi Phx member that speaks up is bound to have a heart attack with the way words are twisted to promote how nachi inspectors are being treated unfairly here
Hang in there Mike C. there still aren't enough qualifed young inspectors to take your place

Originally Posted By: jgushard
This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.

On the note of advertising, A NACHI member has started a vanity 800 number for home inspectors 1-877-INSPECT. With this number clients call it enter the zip code of the property and the calls are routed to a local home inspector.

There is a fee involved however, we thought the risk was worth the potential reward. The number is now up and running. We paid for a few zip codes and now have all of Arizona.

It's our understanding that there might be some incentive for others to get on board with this. If you want more information email David Michael Green at or call him at 606-674-8168

We have 2 motorhomes that are being decaled with the 877-INSPECT logo. These moving billboards should generate business.

We personally send a letter to each person that contacts the local chamber about relocation. First offering our service, and second offering 877-INSPECT as an alternative if they move elsewhere.

In theory this should generate leads for others on the 877-INSPECT network.

Just thought we would share this, as we thought it was great. When you consider other numbers that have taken off like 800-FLOWERS


Justin Gushard
JAM Home Inspections
Mesa, AZ

P.S. I am a member however it does not reflect this on the site.....