Originally Posted By: gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Radio ads throughout Arizona touting the benefits of choosing NACHI members when hiring an inspector have been wildly successful. They have been running for nearly a year. NACHI has now contracted with a television commercial production company to create a similar ad reminding home buyers to insist on NACHI inspections. The spots should be ready and begin running the first of the year.
Originally Posted By: Joel Corwith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Could you define “wildly successful”?
I ask because last month an inspector, who has been targeting realtor's offices, reported that all new agent contacts were asking if he was ASHI certified (he's not) and resulted in no new business.
Originally Posted By: Guest This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
At the BTR meeting this week, it was discovered that 9 people on the NACHI find-an-inspector site, were not licensed in AZ. The investigation contnues. There are another 21 inspectors who are also under investigation, but it isn’t known at this time, what their status is.
Basically, BTR investigators went through the NACHI list and tried to book inspections. On the 9 people who were busted, all of them gave terms and availability, but didn't have an inspection license.
NACHI's radio ad was pulled from the "Home Inspector" show, by the host, because he is on the state's discipline committee and felt it was a conflict.
Chris Prickett
Landmark Home Inspection, LLC
"Your Home. Our Business.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I feel the need to post this message, now, and after every subsequent posting by one, Chad Fabry.
Chad is a non-NACHI member who continues to post in a divisive manner, in an attempt to discredit NACHI at any point he can. He continually challenges the workings and structure of an organization he has no membership in. He demands answers, where he has no right to. Time and time again Chad has maligned members of this org. I believe there is an agenda, here.
One has to ask why he continues to post in the manner he does. He can simply join another org. He refuses to respect the membership of this organization by posting in the antagonistic and divisive manner he does.
He takes advantage of our policy of an open and unmoderated message board, by posting whatever he wishes. He knows full well that the very person he despises most, Nick Gromicko, is opposed to moderation. He even once challenged me to block his IP address. We do not do that.
I will post this message in rebuttal to anything Mr Fabry chooses to post of. He can spin this thing however he wants. If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck...it's a duck. Quack, quack, Chad...
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Our radio ads, and now our TV ads are run strategically to target home owners and home buyers directly (thus by-passing the REALTOR you mention). This by-pass is what makes them so successful.
Originally Posted By: Joel Corwith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
gromicko wrote:
Our radio ads, and now our TV ads are run strategically to target home owners and home buyers directly (thus by-passing the REALTOR you mention). This by-pass is what makes them so successful.
So my understanding of the object of your ad was to "play an ad on the radio hoping to hit homebuyers". And the measure of success was that it was played?
That's fair enough, but I don't think there's a business or banker that would buy that when it comes to spending/loaning money. If an inspector buys 4,000 fliers with the expected return of 0.1 hits and meets or exceeds those hits, I believe most would call that a measurable success. Did any AZ inspectors report new clients as a direct result of the ads? Never having heard the ad, what was the general message and when/where is the show it aired?
I consider a tv ad run during some of the "reality" shows to encourage home buyers to consider home inspectors a good thing. Setting up a website (findNACHIinspector?) specifically for viewers would be one way to track the success of the ad at and about the time it was run. Then, comparisons could be made to other shows/time slots as well as other viewing areas (not to mention a straight $$spent/# of hits ratio).
Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
mcraig wrote:
Where is all this coming from? What Nine NACHI members are you talking about? My business has been growing daily and I am not aware of any actions at present by the BTR against any NACHI member (I will go over to the BTR and personally find out) I am getting sick of all this, I have made it a point to stop all of the Bashing between NACHI and ASHI out here yet people keep coming up with more c**p. I must admit I have not heard the NACHI radio adds But I am not a Big radio listener. I am doing an honest business out here and all the fighting out here is hurting all the members of all the organizations. My friends that are independent HI's are picking up a lot of business from all of the organizations fighting.
This is why I question being part of any organization. I am a Home Inspector this is what I want to do to support my family not be part of petty bickering and legal fights between organizations. Guys lets stop and think for a minute here in AZ. we are certified weather we belong to any organization. the highest amount of certified HI's in AZ don't belong to any organization ( do you get the picture? If we don't offer anything besides fighting with each other we will loose to the independent guys)
Well said Michael, There are over 500 inspectors here and less than 200 of them belong to any org, by the way the friday seminar with Jim Eckley the attorney doing the mock trial is normally a great one,
Originally Posted By: mcraig This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Chris who are the HI’s being Investigated then? I know a good number of NACHI members and none of them have been notified of an “Investigation against them” The BTR notifies people that they are being investigated. So you have inside information of BTR investigations before the people being investigated? I wish everyone could just be Home Inspectors and stay out of bashing any organizations. Who cares who is doing what Advertising. Are any adds really hurting your business?
there are all kinds of adds. out there I even run my own. If advertising hurts you, you must not have a solid business any way You are not going to get me involved in petty politics it is a waist of time. When there are solid facts posted publicly then you can be accepted as knowing something. Don’t waist the time of working people our time is valuable.
Originally Posted By: dharris This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
M i c h a e l
relax and take a deeeep breath
There is no behind the scenes stuff its all aviable to you me and the general public at the open btr meetings
This is about non licensed AZ inspectors not only nachi inspectors
On the btr site they have posted prior investigations and penalties for inspectors operating with out az certification
Originally Posted By: Chris Prickett This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
mcraig wrote:
Chris who are the HI's being Investigated then? I know a good number of NACHI members and none of them have been notified of an "Investigation against them" The BTR notifies people that they are being investigated. So you have inside information of BTR investigations before the people being investigated? I wish everyone could just be Home Inspectors and stay out of bashing any organizations. Who cares who is doing what Advertising. Are any adds really hurting your business?
there are all kinds of adds. out there I even run my own. If advertising hurts you, you must not have a solid business any way You are not going to get me involved in petty politics it is a waist of time. When there are solid facts posted publicly then you can be accepted as knowing something. Don't waist the time of working people our time is valuable.
On another thread, a NACHI member asked what what was going on regarding the AZ BTR investigation. I responded with FACTS that are public knowledge for anyone who attended the BTR meeting this week. The names of the people being investigated was not made public, only that they were featured on the NACHI site, and had accepted a request for a fee paid home inspection.
I never implied any wrongdoing by NACHI, and I wasn't bashing anyone or any organization, I only responded to a request for info from A NACHI MEMBER! I'm usually a lurker on this board, only posting a few times over several months. My previous post (on the other thread) was pasted onto this one by someone else.
I'd appreciate you not jumping down my throat. I'm not getting you involved in petty politics. I did not imply, you inferred. Then you make the idiotic comment "you must not have a solid business any way". Attacks such as that do nothing but throw gas on the fire. You might want to ask around. I'm only a few miles from you. You'll find that I'm doing just fine, thank you.
-- Chris Prickett
Landmark Home Inspection, LLC
"Your Home. Our Business.
Originally Posted By: Joel Corwith This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Guys, I can appreciate the frustration with the NACHI bashing, but my question was genuine. Every organization will have issues and detractors, but it’s how the organization responds that cuts to the character of the organization.
Imagine a so-called "independent inspector" attends his first Arizona NACHI chapter meeting to see what it's like. He asks about the radio ads and how they were successful. He receives responses similar to this thread. What is he wondering about the character of the organization? Is he not now wondering what NACHI is doing about this BTR issue? Is he going to flip open his wallet to pay for membership, or leave it firmly in his pocket? What of a member who's "on the fence" at renewal time? Did they just receive a 'shove'?
Go back and read my question about how the ads were successful and the responses from the organization. Do you think that independent is still sitting on his wallet?
Chad's repost of Chris's post may have been ment as NACHI bashing, but the issue, the ad being 'pulled', is still valid. If you have time for anti-bashing bashing, you have time to address the issue. And, it would speak volumes about the character of the organziation to focus on the issue(s) instead.
Originally Posted By: jfarsetta This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
At the BTR meeting this week, it was discovered that 9 people on the NACHI find-an-inspector site, were not licensed in AZ. The investigation contnues. There are another 21 inspectors who are also under investigation, but it isn't known at this time, what their status is.
Basically, BTR investigators went through the NACHI list and tried to book inspections. On the 9 people who were busted, all of them gave terms and availability, but didn't have an inspection license.
It seems as if Chris' post indicates that 9 prople were "busted" and did not have inspection licenses. According to his post, it is a foregone comclusion, and THOSE FACTS should be in the hands of BTR. There are another 21, allegedly, who are still under "investigation". In these cases, the investigation is ongoing, and no conclusion has been reached.
But, when rebutted by Michael Craig, who is apparently involved with a number or orgs at this time, Chris went on to write:
The BTR site only posts disciplinary actions, not investigations. The investigation is fact, the outcome has not been determined.
If this was indeed announced at a BTR meeting, why is it not posted on their site. According to the facts presented here, 9 have been busted, and 21 more are under investigation.
Were the 9 foung guilty, or is the investigation of all 30 still ongoing?
-- Joe Farsetta
Illigitimi Non Carborundum
"Dont let the bastards grind you down..."