Sounds like the script of a Movie…
It looks like it’s time again for busshy to start another fund raising campaign for nahi to raise more legal funds.
From what I heard the last one was very successfull.
Say it ain’t so, Joe! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
What is up with this?
The stupid part is that Mallory’s for-profit association should be happy that it stays limited to a few threads on this message board. The alternative (if this board ever suffered from censorship) would be for members to all start their own blogs all over the world wide web. I certainly have the technical expertise to start 500 of them anonymously if I so desired. It doesn’t appear that they are thinking this move out very far. Furthermore, if they would succeed at stopping (by court order) the very free speech that caused them to agree to improve their ethics (prohibit inspectors from providing repair services, illegal nearly everywhere) they would be the laughing stock of the entire industry.
Here is a version (not final version) of the letter the Board of REALTORs is publishing for us at no charge in their next newsletter:
*[size=3]National Association of Certified Home Inspectors (NACHI) is in Compliance with the Pennsylvania Home Inspection Act.
*In the June 2007 edition of the LCAR Closing Comments newsletter an article was published entitled Home Inspector Associations and PA Law (Act 114), by Matt Steger. This article contained many inaccuracies concerning NACHI and, as a result, LCAR agreed to give NACHI equal space to respond to the prior article. Mr. Steger’s article has had a direct economic impact on NACHI members in Pennsylvania and NACHI would like to set the record straight. *
*Mr. Steger urged consumers and real estate agents to verify a home inspector’s membership in NAHI, ASHI or AII. If the home inspector is not a member of one of these three organizations he pointedly states “. . . buyer and agent beware (to put it nicely)!” He goes on to state: “If your inspector is not a member of NAHI, ASHI or AII he is in violation of PA Law, according to the PHIC.” *
PHIC stands for Pennsylvania Home Inspectors Coalition; it was formed and is run by a group of inspectors primarily affiliated with NAHI and ASHI. PHIC is NOT a government agency and has no legal authority to determine whether any home inspection organization is or is not in compliance with Pennsylvania law. In fact, a lawsuit PHIC filed against NACHI in Chester County, Pennsylvania was dismissed. In an Order dated June 13, 2005, the Court stated: “Finally, there is no indication that Plaintiffs are authorized to enforce the Home Inspection Law. . .” (Case No. 03-07803).
*NACHI is the largest home inspection association in the nation and it values its members and enjoys an upstanding reputation with the real estate community throughout the country. In order to maintain its successful relationship with the Pennsylvania real estate community NACHI believes it is necessary to reassure Pennsylvania real estate agents and residents that NACHI is fully compliant with the Home Inspection Law. *
Those of you reading this article are familiar with the requirements of the Act that went into effect in December 2001. NACHI is compliant and has always been complaint with each and every one of those requirements.
The Act defines a National Home Inspector Association as any national association of home inspectors that operates on a not-for–profit basis, is not a franchise and has members in more than 10 states. NACHI is a non-profit corporation incorporated under the laws of the state of Colorado and has approximately 10,000 members in all 50 states. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt 501©(6) trade association.
*The Act requires that a person must perform or participate in the performance of more than 100 fee paid home inspections before becoming a full member; NACHI has the same requirements for full membership status. The Act requires that members pass a recognized or accredited examination. NACHI’s exam has the reputation of being the most intensive and thorough examination in the industry. It is an online inspector examination and individuals must pass the exam with a score of 80 or better. In addition to this exam, members are also required to take NACHI’s Ethics Obstacle Course and NACHI’s Standard of Practice Quiz. *
The Act requires that inspectors comply with a code of conduct and attend continuing professional education classes. NACHI goes beyond that; members are required to take 24 hours per year of continuing education courses. NACHI offers it membership numerous continuing education classes, various levels of membership and countless benefits-all of which benefits the consumer by providing the industry with honest and some of the best educated inspectors in the industry. (You may view NACHI’s membership requirements, code of conduct and continuing education requirements at **](
The Act requires that inspectors carry Errors and Omission (E&O) Insurance, and NACHI members in Pennsylvania must carry this type of insurance. If you are uncertain, ask the individual inspector for proof of insurance. Finally, if you have any questions as to whether a NACHI home inspector you are thinking of using meets the requirements of Pennsylvania law, do not rely on PHIC; instead, call the Attorney General of Pennsylvania’s Consumer Protection Unit at (800) 441-2555.
NACHI exists because of you, the realtors and the consumers. Its mission statement is to provide the homeowner and buyer with peace of mind and quality work. Currently there is a bill pending before the Pennsylvania legislature requiring licensing of home inspectors. NACHI supports this measure. Hopefully, licensing will put an end to these attacks on NACHI and create a common ground for all inspectors, allowing each to stand on their own reputation for quality performance.
*I hope I have set the record straight. NACHI has and will vigorously defend its reputation. NACHI’s national counsel and NACHI’s local counsel in Pennsylvania have both opined that NACHI is in full compliance with Pennsylvania law. If you have received any oral, written, or electronic communications from anyone stating or suggesting that NACHI is not compliant with Pennsylvania law, PLEASE forward those to our counsel, Mark Cohen by mailing them to him at the following address: Mark Cohen, Cohen Horner, LLP ATTN: PA Litigation, 1942 Broadway, Suite 314, Boulder, CO 80302. You can also email any such documents to him at *
Nick Gromicko
*Founder *
If we ever need another URL for a new NACHI forum, this one is available:
Sorry… could not resist the fun… how unprofessional of me…
I did not realize anyone was being named, nor did I realize agents were getting faxes like this. I know that I have a few friends who belong to Nachi and would never stoop so low.
In this case I say do what is needed…
As for proctored testing in pa, that is a good start. I see too many guys want to come into this proffession to make a quick buck. They may be auto mechanics, or airplane mechanics knowing very little about houses.This does bother me immensely. I have been inspecting for over 12 years now and have seen some of the shoddy inspections being done, by all sides. I just wish the quick buck guys would leave the inspecting to the more knowledgeable. Again this is from all organizations, not one or two.
Do you think a set of Astm standards would be good or bad for us?
As for mallory, I have met her before a few times. She seems nice enough, but I have also seen many wolves in sheep clothing as well. This could be the case. But as stated before, i just wish all the crap would cease and all organizations would work together for the common good of all involved. My renewal is coming up soon for nahi…
John Allen,
I don’t presume to know you at all, but I’m getting the feeling that you like NACHIism (open source discussion of all things inspection, be they of a technical issue, legislative issue, ethical issue, etc, without fear of censorship, with the ultimate goal of improving the industry by inspectors helping inspectors).
NACHIism (a world-wide movement that extends from here in Colorado all the way to mainland China) is what that do-nothing, for-profit association is really attacking, and it is what causes so much anger to be misdirected at us.
AMEN! Nick
to be honest I have been watching this organization since day 1 when i received a call many years back to join. My problem is I hate bashing others and thier organizations and when i read many times you doing so to other organizations, I was turned off. Of course PHIC had a hand in convincing that this was not legit in My state.I also held a high position in my local chapter here in my state and was rather one sided at the time due to the meetings and talks with members and phic. I later met a few guys who i did well tests and septic tests for and we seemed to get along fine. I later watched them inspect houses while i was doing my tests. i saw some things missed and of course attemptef to help them out when the clients left so they did not look bad. i then realized they were guys in a position i may have been in 12 years ago. still learning and trying to do my best, ( of course it helped that i built houses and plumbed them, and did rough wiring).
i have had my thoughts about joining here and trying to help out some guys in my area. but each time i do someone sends something claiming i would not be leagal any longer. i would hate to lose my CRI status i worked very hard to attain.
I need to do some heavy thinking here before my dues are up for Nahi.
Ps I do apologize for being an anti nachi person many years back. I never bashed nachi or its members, but beleived what I was told until I saw otherwise. This is also not a joke it is sincere, i am sure you get your share of idiots here who do make fun.
Now get rid of bushart and all will be happy…
You would be welcomed to the NACHI family, just as Bushart
is welcomed here also…:mrgreen:
Hey, they even let me hang around… it can’t be all bad.
John B. Allen nicely summed up our member’s problems (caused by the warmonger association in PA)
John, you do agree with me that any association that permits its members to offer to sell repair services after tricking their clients into believing they purchased an impartial inspection, deserves bashing, no?
In my opinion anyone who repairs a house after inspecting it , does not belong in the bussiness and should be pushed out with any force neccesary.
now i know what you are getting at here, but remember in Pa the law states that we cannot repair houses for up to one year after inspecting it. But laws elsewhere may be different. i do agree with you on this, anyone who repairs a house or offers to do after inspecting it is a complete ( I hate the word) scumbag.
I am only glad as heck that nahi has changed its standards.
as for the members problems, I really do feel bad for the guys in Pa beacuse of the bad raps they are given, granted as with all organizations, some are unsure of what they do, but those who know and do a good job should be commended. therefore i do commend all in pa who strive to do their clients right,( not the agents, the clients).
Now remember this is from a past president of nahi pa chapter. That has to mean something if i am convinced of the good guys here. Maybe that would mean it is looking up?
the problem is this. Nick and I are too much alike and for that he scares me and pisses me off at the same time…
But i am only a 50 year old grouch from Pa.
So Nick what can we do to aid PA? get rid of Phic? So lets start a coalition of all inspectors in the state not just nahi and ashi.
Sorry my brain sometimes goes awry…
I am so sorry Bushie rubs me the wrong way sometimes.
but I may end up joining if this stuff continues , one reason would be to fight for our rights as bussiness owners and our legality in Pa as such.:twisted:
Bushart may be a bastard sometimes, but he is really good guy. Just misunderstood. Believe it not he is usually right on most issues. That is a better average than what I have had.
Hey skin a little thick helps .
I have given James a red when I feel he is wrong but I have given him more greens the reds.
I also tell him when I do.
He has lots of knowledge on many things and has the ability to get to the bottom most often.
I sure feel NACHI is a lot better of with him the with out him.
… Cookie
I’m looking at my renewal invoice, and I’m asking myself, do I really want to fund these lawsuits?
I’m sure you would if it was going on where you lived and tried to make a living.