New Home Inspector Pro Mobile for Android/iPhone/iPad Released

I see a real time saving benefit for having a “turn on” chech box in the desk top to make all “[Notes]]” one color. Not the entire comment just the bracketed note like the mobile. It easy on tge eyes and makes it very easy to scan and identify a comment. I find myself scanning the comments several times because all one color the [Notes]] and comments blend in. If there is a capabilty to have multi colors all the better.

It’s definitely coming shortly John!

Mike, I LOVE hearing that! I’ll keep working to help you guys cut your time even more!

Is the possibility of generating PDF report and summary on android device scheduled in later updates? The only software / app combo that can do this is noticeware, but looks like they are still on version 1.1 and pretty rough.

It’s currently not possible to generate the high quality pdf that our users demand on these mobile devices with bookmarks, stationery, video integration, etc. As soon as the PDF libraries on these devices get stronger then we will definitely be there to use them.

Dom your users demand video on PDF format?.
I miss an update ?

Yes, they demand that feature often!

I have never seen that feature on HIP.
Which version is it ?

It’s not out yet, that’s why people are demanding it! It’s being tested internally right now.

…it’s possible

I’ve seen your reports Aaron. No offense, but our users demand a lot more from our reports that the mobile pdf libraries can’t handle. We could have a server generate it all but that requires Internet. Try doing digitally stationery, video integration, bookmarks, etc with the libraries. They’re growing fast but not good enough.

If you don’t build video, bookmarks, and stationary into the mobile generated PDF documents, then your competition will…

We already have all of it. I’m sure at some point you’ll have it too!

Thanks… I meant having those features for building the PDF on the mobile device. I haven’t received many requests for stationary, or video, but bookmarks, most definitely, so it’s coming…

Long way to go before you can play with the big boys.
Keep working on it.

Don’t worry, we’ll catch you. HIP was 2 years in to this once before as well… They caught 3D. Generations change…

That’s the attitude.

Now name 3 things yours does better.

I can, inspectors have, but I won’t share here. Just by you replying and acknowledging shows your concern…

At elevator speeches “FAIL”

Concern ?

Hi Dominic
I wish to add videos on mobile.
Is this possible

Hi Dave,

We have that in beta right now and will have it public soon. If you want to test it out shoot an email to and I’ll put you on the beta team.