New Home Inspector Pro Mobile for Android/iPhone/iPad Released

You add them off mobile.

Yes, it is possible… It’s coming soon in Spectacular for iPad… Generate the report with video from the iPad… No internet, cloud nor desktop software required.

Aaron, that’s great, but please keep your posts to threads that aren’t directly about other software programs. This is clearly a home inspector Pro thread and your posting in here is spam and disrespectful. You will never see me doing that in another programs thread. I only post when someone is directly talking about our software. You’ll also notice out of the 9400+ posts I have, the mass majority aren’t about HIP at all.

Dom is a class act and always has been.
Unlike some vendors.:wink:

Question is: why does Dominic even care?

Question: Why do some vendors have class and others don’t??

Because he’s part of a dying breed of people/vendors with morals and ethics?

Because he want’s to keep this part of the mb “clean”?

Because he doesn’t want to see anyone falsely mislead?

hmmmm…wonder why people do the right thing even when it doesn’t matter?

I think it’s called character. :cool:

Hey Jack@$$. Start your own thread on your own program. Quit polluting a thread that has nothing to do with you or your software.

Man Steven, that was really mean. You hurt my feelings man…

When will the video capability be available for HIP? I looked at the mobile version and really like it. I’m also looking at the HG, they have video. Looks like a very useful tool.

Frank we already have it in beta and it’ll be public shortly. If you’d like the beta version send me an email at Note that the big difference is that with HG you can’t insert the video into a PDF file like you can with HIP.
