Hopefully this is in the right area. I recently took the NHIE and failed with a 124 and needed a 130 to pass. Does anyone have any recommendations, or study material they can point me to? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

InterNACHI® - International Association of Certified Home Inspectors :slight_smile:

Join InterNACHI and take the free courses.

It’s a no brainer

www.nachi.org/education.htm and www.nachi.org/qa.htm

Join InterNachi…It’s a no brainer. Do the education, read others posts…retake NHIE and ace the thing, then continue NACHI and become good.


I have made it my goal to take every course that InterNACHI has to offer (over 500 hours, I think). I am already over half way there! This is the BEST organization and the courses are great. Seriously, when I looked into joining InterNACHI, I considered the other organizations. No body else comes close in what they offer their members.

A job well done InterNACHI. I recommend this organization to all home inspectors, present or future.