Nick Gromicko founder of NACHI and CMI today unveiled the new head quarters of the CMI.
Nick was quoted as saying "This is a great day for CMI we have a new entrance formula which 99% of NACHI members agree is a great step forward (there still seams to 1 who does not agree) and we now have this high tech office which will be the envy of the other Home Inspection organizations. Nick was also quoted in saying "Once our members see this fantastic head quarters they will all agree that doubling the entrance fee is worth every cent
Monty Python can be a bit obtuse at times, but at least it is usually funny.
I think the sun is getting to you, Carl.
Hop into the water & cool off!
you can invite me out free (with Nick’s permission) and I give a talk on NACHI Benefits, how it can help members’ marketing, etc.
I also have a Members’ Only workshop (often done after the main meeting, around a cooler I tend to provide for attendees) I do in which we critique & fine-tune member’s brochures, biz cards, etc.
I like to keep the meeting flexible - that is, I ask attendees to bring their questions & problems, and I respond with ways that NACHI can address or solve them, with the programs we have in place.
Remember, only ONE NACHI / Pro-Lab rep will be sent to any one meeting. So, while you can have a local HVAC speaker along with me at a meeting, you could not have Joe Ferry, Gerry, John B., Doug from Pro-Lab, etc. - we are kept separate. No “double-billing”.
NACHI likes to send me out to chapters that are either starting up. are isolated, have a hard time getting speakers, or otherwise need a shot in the arm for drawing / attracting / retaining members.