Now, It's NAHI That Needs Our Help!!!!

Reading through the ASHI message board, it seems to me that the NAHI folks have purposefully lowered their ethical standards to catch the fallout from ASHI.

Some ASHI members, in protest of ASHI’s following our lead in prohibiting participation in the RE concierge programs, are leaving ASHI to join NAHI.

That is very informative for their membership, what is nachi’s defense and their release to our membership?

So what did they expect from us? Enough cash to keep their dying @$$es solvent?:roll: :roll: :roll:

Sounds like a lack of confidence. Good, move forward so that you can hasten your financial demise.:wink:

We’re probably waiting to see if NAHI can actually afford to move ahead with their joke of a lawsuit.

Heck, will they stay solvent until the preliminary? Maybe if their members can sell more repair services with the few inspections they get …

John Bowman,

OK… JB made a wise crack about giving NAHI $20 because they need
help suing us (NACHI). I think it is funny, but you see it as a potential
smoldering gun that NAHI needs to win the court case. That’s weak to
say the least. Sorry, the evidence not acceptable.

Out of respect for you John, you might want to pick something else
to go after. That’s all.

Now, if you want to pick on JB for being brash, forward, debating,
argumentative, sarcastic, bull headed, etc … I can agree with you on

But, I won’t be too hard on him, because I’m worse than he is
sometimes. Hey… but we are all family… NACHI’s finest.

To the ladies and gentlemen of the jury I would like to say:

I heard that you can drink a fat girl skinny, so I figure that with
a couple beers, you can drink JB into being a nice guy…
(I don’t drink, but I can’t see very good either… so it never
mattered… oh my, turn the light on).

You see, I don’t have a problem with JB’s humor, because I can
see where he is going with it from the first few words in his post,
and he serves it and plays it like violin. Just don’t let him play you.
Then you can enjoy it.

Can you imagine the fun, if all this is read in court. How many
wanna bet the judge fights back a grin? I’ll hold the money until
the pay off comes. Whoever wins can send NAHI a donation.

How can a decent judge read this thread and hold all of this
against us, when we are talking about helping our dear brothers
who want to sue us? My gawd, we got to stick together
and this may be just the cause to unite us. If we all collect
canned foods and aluminum cans, we can help them thar fellers
beyond their wildest dreams. Get R Done!!!

Are people being sued suppose to have so much fun? But in
order to be careful, I think that Keith Swift should not participate
in this thread. If he makes just ONE post… he is gonna be
the ONE GUY they go after. I can feel it.

Then, I hate to say it… we are gonna have to read another of
his books on “how to get sued”. No one gets sued more often
than Keith and no one wrties a better book about how much fun
you can have in court as Keth does.

So Keith, if you are reading this thread, please do not make any
comments. Let em sue JB first, and then tell us how they done
it in the next book. :mrgreen:

Good advice.

I have decided to take a diversion, myself.

I have been hired as a food critic for a St. Louis television station. They are sending me to some restaraunt in the area of Elmira, New York that they say is under new management. I thought “Why not?” A great opportunity to get away from this stuff for a while, catch a nice meal…you know.

Relax a little bit.

Anyway, this new restaraunt is supposed to pretty unique and interesting. They say that it doesn’t matter what you order from the menu, all they feed you there is baloney.

Need repeating, especially about the attacking of pretty much anyone that is not on the Ethics Committee is really getting old.

I’ve never attacked you, Dave.:wink:

Attacked no, annoyed yes without question.

Elmira, New York is an area just above North Central PA.

Home to many people that have impacted the lives of many Americans.

edit] Mark Twain

Spent many summers in Elmira at Quarry Farm, the home of Susan and Theodore Crane (his sister-in-law and her husband), writing some of his most famous works including A Tramp Abroad, Life on the Mississippi, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. The octagonal study where he wrote those works is now located on the campus of Elmira College. He and members of his family are buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

edit] Olivia Langdon Clemens

Wife of noted American author and humorist Mark Twain, lived in Elmira and graduated from the Class of 1864 at Elmira College. She is buried at the family plot in Woodlawn Cemetery.

edit] Ernie Davis

Known as “The Elmira Express,” the collegiate football player was the first African American to win the Heisman Trophy while playing for Syracuse University in 1961. Drafted by the Washington Redskins but almost immediately traded to the Cleveland Browns, he was stricken with acute monocytic leukemia before ever playing a game, and died on May 18, 1963. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery, and his commemorative statue stands in front of Ernie Davis Middle School (previously Elmira Free Academy).

edit] Jane Roberts

Author, poet, and psychic best known for the “Seth books,” which she dictated while in a trance state, lived in Elmira.

edit] Henry Friendly

Noted appellate judge of the mid-20th century, was born in Elmira in 1903. He served on the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit from 1959 until his death in 1986. His many opinions were all self-penned and, while largely unknown to the general public, they continue to be cited and used as teaching aids and references by law students and lawyers alike.

edit] Eileen Collins

First female space shuttle pilot and commander, Eileen Collins was born in Elmira on November 19, 1956. She flew four missions in her career, commanding two of them, including STS-114, the historic Return to Flight mission.

edit] Brian Williams

NBC News correspondent and anchor of NBC Nightly News, Brian Williams spent a significant amount of his childhood living in Elmira. He returned to Elmira to support the reopening of the Eldridge Park Carousel in 2006.

edit] Hal Roach

Director of the Little Rascals, Hal Roach, was born and raised in Elmira. He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery.

edit] Tommy Hilfiger

Internationally acclaimed fashion designer Tommy Hilfiger was born in Elmira on March 24, 1951. He graduated from Elmira Free Academy and started his first business, The Peoples Place, in downtown Elmira.

edit] Jeanine Pirro

Westchester County district attorney and 2006 New York State Attorney General candidate Jeanine Pirro is from Elmira.

edit] Frederick Collin

Former New York Court of Appeals judge, Frederick Collin was from Elmira.

edit] John Arnot, Jr.

John Arnot, Jr., (1831-1886), United States Congressman, was born in Elmira. [1]](Elmira, New York - Wikipedia)

edit] Charles Tomlinson Griffes

Charles Tomlinson Griffes, composer, was born in Elmira on September 17, 1884.

edit] Charles Thomas McMillen

Charles Thomas McMillen, NBA player (1974-1986) and Congressman for Maryland’s 4th District (1987-1993), was born in Elmira in 1952.

Knowing the town of Elmira from many visits over the years, I can truly say that they would be reserving all of the Baloney available for your Visit…

Please read post # 1.

Please note the “confidenial” in the subject.

Mr. Bushart is, once again, hoist on his own petard.

May not be a violation of NACHI ESOP rules, but it is, certainly, unethical.

I will leave this to the ESOP committee and say no more.


Your complaint of “ethics” being violated should be directed at the ASHI member who provided the info to Bushart as he/she is the perason who has violated the confidence. Nuf said. it’s that simple.

I have no knowledge how Jim accesses the ASHI board but I find it highly unlikely that he is using an ASHI members login. Most likely ASHI records the IP address of its members when they login, but it was recently shown that no login was necessary to enter the ASHI board as many non-members had access. I have no reason to believe that any ASHI member has provided Jim their login information and Jim is still accessing the ASHI board by some other means.

The study of ethical behavior is so interesting, isn’t it?

I’m reminded of a plot in the summer of '76 to assassinate the commander-in-chief of the Colonial Army, Geo Washington, for which a man named Hickey was sentenced and hanged. To the Army, he was a treacherous “unethical” spy worthy of death — to the British, a patriotic hero, martyred in a fight to control a group of terrorist who were attempting to overthrow the government.

Is the person from within another association who wishes the world to know of its shady means of operating…unethical?

The reason we do not have this problem at NACHI has much to do with the genius of Nick who, from the beginning, kept a free and open message board. The light is on us and the world can see us…scars and all. As for ASHI, an association of home inspectors just like us with nothing to differ themselves from us but the hyperbole they publish and pass on to the public, they must conceal this from view by operating in the dark.

To me, the ASHI members who fight to bring their association up…by bringing it into the light with the rest of us…are patriots acting ethically and in the best interest of home inspectors everywhere. To their leadership, who prefer the darkness, these men are traitors…unethical and treachorous.

History is always written by the survivors and something tells me that ASHI will not be writing the history books.:wink:

I was a bit unclear.
My point was that an ASHI member is the one who viloated ethics by providing info by whatever means.
I have no idea if Bushart has login info.

Yep, I think most would consider it “ethical” to release “secret” documents of improper government actions if it served the greater good even though it would indeed be illegal. But of course this would be judged on a case by case basis.

Jim, do you truly believe that NACHI is going to put both ASHI & NAHI out of business as you keep stating?

No. I don’t think I stated that.

I think that NACHI will continue to grow and thrive in the light and that the darkness will continue to damage and eventually kill the other two.

Well, excuse my simple ozark thinking, but is your statement of NACHI thriving in the light and the darkness killing the other two, not saying that you actually believe that NACHI will cause the demise of the other two associations?
