Okay let's post on exterior inspections just for a goof

true dat, buyers should never waive a home inspection, they need to try n find a good, thorough Nachi inspector, foLLa?

by the way, these supposed realty-experts… are they some of the same peeps who recommend interior basement drainage system to unknowing homeowners… HUH?

Basement leaks in one or two areas and some realtors STUPIDLY tell buyers all they need to do is raise and slope the grade or paint the walls with Drylok or add an idiotic splashblock or hire an interior basement drainage company who couldn’t care less why n where the basement actually leaks and will likely sell buyers a full INT perimeter system and sump pump when, the PROBLEMS are just 2 cracks in walls or a few deteriorated leaky rod holes!!! smgdh Some realtors are IN-BED $$$$$ with some interior system companies, self-gain crap, yeah that’s right, they get paid for recommending fraudulent, scamming companies = more red white n blue patriotic Americans, not!