One heck of a pilot!

I’m certainly no pilot or aviation expert, but it looked like it might be real to me - I paused it as good as I could.
Those stunt planes are no ordinary planes. I don’t think a stunt plane like that would have anything loose inside. Also the guy seemed pretty shaken when he opened the hatch.

Per the areodynamics instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy, it is possible. The trick is to speed the aircraft up and make it ballistic (like a rocket) where it is the speed and power of the engine, rather than the lift from thw wings, holding the plane up.

He verified that the stunt plane video was real. The power to weight ratioSpelling for the stunt plane is even higher than the F14.

BTW: Both are studied as part of the training, now.

Leave it to those wild and crazy Israelis :mrgreen:

Hope this helps;

Check out his left Aleron, it looks like it is real to me.

I’ll not argue the point, because I honestly don’t know for sure. But as for me and my house, I’m still not buying it.

But heck, no ones soul is at risk for believing or not believing, so it’s an easy one to let go. :mrgreen:

When I first watched it I thought it was a R/C until it got to the end.

I used to R/C and it is very possible to fly with one wing because of the available power for the weight on the plane.

If this had happened to a real aircraft the pilot would have walked around to the broken off wing.

Look closely and I think you can see the shadow of the supposedly missing wing under the real aircraft at the end. Hmmm. oops

real or not that was one entertaining video…it had all of my attention!!!

No, I don’t see the shadow of the right wing.

I still believe this landing is real until I see proof.



That is not just a good pilot that is a lucky man.

And one heck of a camera man, to keep a plane that is that close to him in frame during such an exciting time as that landing. :mrgreen:

I’m with Mark on this one being fake, all the internet references to it are about it being done as a viral ad for the german clothing company “Killathrill” not a single story out their proving it.



But it looks good.

Gerry is just another non-believer I guess. :):wink:

Marcel :):smiley:

Hey if our in-house believer doesn’t buy it, then who am I to argue ?? ;-):wink:

Sorry Mark


Well, it might have been meant for us to use our imagination and say aah, that is amazing and incredible. :wink:
Let’s all call the editor of YouTube and find out. :slight_smile:

Marcel :):smiley:

It’s all good. Just goes to show those that think I’ll believe anything. If I believe something, I’ve got a good reason to. :smiley:

Now this is the real deal! Really! Nothing Flys like a Deere!

That’s apparently not hard to do.

I don’t care you are that there’s funny :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

I’m all greenied out or I’d have given you one for that Kevin :wink:



Actually it’s insulting and sophomoric.:frowning:

A tactic that has become quite common from certain individuals of late.:(:roll::frowning:

Debbie Downer.