opinion on best inspection forms to use?

I know, just adding to the fun. :stuck_out_tongue:

I missed out when I went to Chicago, I was hoping for a Bob vs Linas arm wrestling match, but Linas never showed.

I forgot nothing, which is why I was busy.
I suggest Mr Pierce recheck that thread though.

Not everything new is cool Kevin.
Though she may be.

Seriously though (cough cough)
We in Chicago get lots of our biz this time of year , so we are a little busy .

Don’t be so certain Bob. I’ll bet you a dollar I work far less than you and make more dinero.

Never mentioned money.
I work for free.:slight_smile:

LOL, that’s a good way to pick up lots of jobs!

HIP and Home Gauge would be good forms to use.

Inspectvue is probably a better software choice. :wink:

Slick, very slick.

Yeah… took them a year to copy what Dominic already did at lower cost.
Lets see HG match price with Homeinspectorpro.com so that I can be somewhat impressed.

I have homeguage and have found ity very good. Just set up your templates and go.

I did upgrade, once, but will not upgrade again.

“Bells and Wiseals” are for show. Write a good report and be done.

I do not recommend “on-site” reports. Take some time and review your work. You could have had a big lunch and been groggy, plus you could have been distracted during the inspection (had one this morning with no fewer than 20 people, on site, and every one of them asking questions).

Take your time and do a professional job, even if your client does a great deal to sway you from doing so (and LEAVE THE LITTLE KIDS AT HOME!!!).

Hope this helps;

Great advice, I would add to take twice as many pictures as you think you should and review your photos before writing your report. It also helps if you develop a pattern for inspecting, for instance I always begin on the outside, move to the garage, then on to the attic and so on ending up in the kitchen, right or wrong it insures that I don’t miss anything.

I recently watch a show that said that if surgeons used a checklist it would reduce deaths by something like a third, maybe the fact that most of us use a checklist is why we are so well respected and rarely sued.