Originally Posted By: jburgauer This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
On May 25 04 I became a NACHI member and I wish to share a success story with all the other members.
Eight days later, on June 02 04 I received a phone call from a loan management company that represents the construction and remodeling divisions of 6 of the largest banks in the USA. ( Chase and Wells Fargo, to name a couple). They asked if I would handle all of their inspections in my region, which would include 7 counties. I jumped on that offer with both feet, and a big smile on my face. When I calmed down I asked how did they find my name? I was told that their search for an inspector led them directly to the NACHI web site, where they looked for my city and then found me!!!
Being affiliated with NACHI has tripled my business overnight!!
Originally Posted By: ebeahm1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Congratulations John!
Please tell every inspector you meet about NACHI. By the way, if you don't belong to a local chapter, join one. If you don't have a local chapter, start one. It's always good to give something back to the organization.
One last thing, I hope to see you at the National Convention.