Past issues wwith ASHI

Originally Posted By: mrose
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Hey Guys,

Being a relatively new member I have missed out on the history related to issues of NACHI vs ASHI. I am curious.


Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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The ASHI vs. NACHI battle started when members of ASHI fought to place restrictive legislation in place here in PA. So restrictive that it pretty much would have limited new inspectors to ASHI only members.

Since then there has been plenty of mud slinging on both sides. ASHI thinks we make it too easy and too cost effective to become a home inspector. We don't believe you have to be a engineer to become a home inspector. While those are great crudentials we like to keep it plain and simple.

Since that time ASHI has campaigned for the same restrictive legislation in other states under the disguise of consumer protection when in fact they only had their own interests in mind such as limiting competition, increasing their membership numbers by requiring licensing, etc....

This is a relatively small part of their membership that pushes for this. Most members of ASHI are divided on this issue. I don't see how the ASHI organization could ever think we would agree to them limiting the competition to ASHI members when their own members don't agree on it.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I know you are both a NACHI and ASHI member. The real issue is that ASHI tried to enslave not only its own ASHI members, but all inspectors in PA. We at NACHI fought them on several fronts and won every time (in PA). So they moved operations to NJ. We are helping fight them there but we started off slow. They have gained some ground in NJ but the war isn't over. I of course can't speak for ASHI, but I believe if they get a strangle hold on any one State, they will try to enslave us all. I don't mean to do anything to hurt individual ASHI inspectors, but we believe we are acting in the best interest of all inspectors (ASHI members too) when we try to keep us all free. Starting to sound like George W. , so I'll stop.


Originally Posted By: mrose
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I completely support your efforts. Any inspector should be able to select which organization he wants to b affiliated with.

ASHI has does some very worthwhile work and continues to do so, but on occasion miss the mark.

NACHI is a great organization and provides useful assistance to the inspection community.

Best regards,

Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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We need some legislative help down there in GA. Any chance you could pitch in to keep us updated on legislation and maybe write a few letter's, send a few emails or make a few phone calls?

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: mrose
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I would be able to assist in the Georgia arena. Presently there is nothing going on regarding inspector legislation.

Let me know the type of assistance needed.

Best regards,

Mike Rose
Cornerstone Home Inspection Co. LLC
Lawrenceville, GA

Originally Posted By: jmyers
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I have it on good authority that sometime in the near future you will.

Joe Myers

Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko
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I just want to reiterate how happy I am to have you ASHI guys join NACHI. We had 2 more ASHI members join NACHI today. You are ALL welcome here and I'm so glad your among us.
