Danny from Inspector Pages helped me with my new website.Just wonder ing what you all thought about it ?I love it.
The site is www.blessedassurancehi.com
I want to know instantly if you inspect in my area .
I looked and gave up did not find where you Inspect .
You Had your Name, email and phone # on the first page a good thing … Roy
thanks Ray I added that to the home page
Your site looks great! Danny did a great job customizing the InspectorPages template to match your business identity and marketing materials.
My main suggestion is to have Danny fix a couple of the logos on the right side of the page - the Home Energy Inspector logo is disappearing into the background, and the InterNACHI Certified logo is pixelated/low quality.
I also recommend in the upper right corner, moving your name down a bit, so there is some space between ‘Schedule an Inspection’ and ‘Terry Russell’. And if ‘Terry Russell’ is brought down in scale by just a small amount and moved slightly closer to the contact info, it will read correctly as:
‘Schedule an Inspection’
your name and contact info.
These are all changes that Danny can take care of for you. And again, very nice website!
Nice Header.
Great internachi flyer.
Thanks for sharing the site Terry! It looks great and it’s always nice to see a logo properly placed and employed in your online identity. Smart idea as well, since it allows you to receive some feedback from the whole design department.
Another thing that would help to unify the contact info would be the space separation mentioned by Jessica as well as shifting your name to the same blue color as your number and email. I like all of the white space in the top, it makes your information much easier to read.
I’m not sure how customizable the site is at this point, but it would be nice if the black bar with the roll-over buttons matched the yellow color that you had around the perimeter and the button font was a darker version of the blue color. There is a chance that this may not be an editable feature within the template, but if it’s an option it would unify the design a bit more.
The site looks great. Danny did a nice job.
Word Count Density
course 21 3.59%
color 19 3.25%
min 18 3.08%
exam 17 2.91%
examination 16 2.74%
internachi 13 2.22%
inspection 10 1.71%
background 10 1.71%
inspector 9 1.54%
com 8 1.37%
border 7 1.20%
title 6 1.03%
standard 6 1.03%
standards 5 0.85%
header 5 0.85%
education 5 0.85%
looks great!
Yup, nice look. Now you need to get down and work on the content to get yourself to the top of Google. Read over the articles I’ve written for members on the left side of http://www.homeinspectorpro.com under SEO Optimization Tips. Start off by making sure you’re mentioning your top few cities at least 5 times on every page.
I think that it could use more original content, a lot of it is almost word for word what you will find on a lot of other websites, Google will notice all of the copied wording and it will make it it hard for you to get on their first page.
Nice template though.
I like this page: http://www.blessedassurancehi.com/education-transcripts
I like it too but I would suggest having it hide the classes he hasn’t taken yet. Seems like bad PR to list those!
The marketing benefit of using that code compels members to complete the courses.