Originally Posted By: staylor This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I am about to purchase the same program. What is your first impression?The demo disk doesn’t allow access to the scheduling and marketing modules. Have you used those yet? Please let me know before I invest in this software.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
upgrades. I don’t use the scheduling or marketing features. Stable program that produces professional looking reports. Be prepared as with any software to spend a great deal of time customizing to your own style.
Originally Posted By: gmagee This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I switched to PVS a few months back. I started with Matrix. What a difference! I get great feedback from clients who really like the reports, and I can move around the software with ease.
Originally Posted By: phinsperger This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
pinman wrote:
When going to do an inspection do you use a hand held computer or do you use a template and do the report back at your office.
I use use a laptop and complete the report as I go. Print it out and give to the client at the end of the inspection. I am however looking into using a pocket pc.
Originally Posted By: Robert Alexander This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Probably the best best feature soon to be added by Porter Valley is a Message board for InspectVue users to easily share narratives with fellow inspectors.
Originally Posted By: Nick Gromicko This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Yes, NACHI members get $100 off Porter Valley Software AND NACHI members get the Avoiding Litigation CD for free http://www.nachi.org/avoidinglitigation.htm I'm sure we'll also enjoy $100 off of their new commercial inspection version too.
Reading ALL of the articles inspired me to make some posts on NACHI boards and to notify several inspectors of problems I became aware of with their reports.
not a lawyer, just have the ability to think like one.....
Originally Posted By: troberts1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Any one From Washington State Have some pest inspection pages to do a pest inspection using PV software that they would be willing to share with me. I need it to meet WSDA standards. If you can Help let me know.
Originally Posted By: bsumpter This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I agree and understand that I have five days in which to rescind this contract, sign a release form, and become entitled to a full refund of the inspection fee.
Initials: _____
So, if I have this portion on my contract and it is signed, this means that my client can come back to me within five days and get a full refund? I realize that its there to protect me in the event of a buyer/seller default, but what protects my bank account from someone just taking advantage of my services for free?
Should I delete it?
I worry, as our new business is in HIGHLY litigious California
and no one wants to work for free!
-- "In the fields of observation, chance favors only the mind that is prepared"
Originally Posted By: troberts1 This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I do not use this contract if you have a contract that you use cut and past it in one of the contract pages and you can use it remember to have and attorney check any contract be for use.