Pro roof repairs!

I went back to a house today to reinspect the roof that was “repaired”… I’ll let the pics speak for themselves…

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Nice! They should have done the whole roof like that! :laughing:

:flushed: So instead of doing a complete tear off and full replacement, which it looks like was needed, they did whatever the heck that is and screwed the customer out of a bunch of money?
OR Is that a true “Harry Homeowner” Fubar?

Did it pass the re-inspection?

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Thas how is dun in thees here parts! :crazy_face:

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I told my agent that they need to re-roof it AGAIN! definitely didn’t pass my “sertified inspekchun”. The buyer is pretty upset (obviously). I’m just trying to find nice words to put in my report…currently its too… colorful… :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Laugh at Natives

Nothing a bit of flex seal won’t fix!


…a bit? :rofl: :wink: :crazy_face:

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ok…ok…a truck load!

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Jason, you DEAL KILLER! :joy_cat:

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Some nice comic relief today…thanks for posting.

I need the name of that roofer. My 7 yr old grandson needs a repair on his tree house and he only has $5 to spend.

Welcome to our forum, James Kerrigan!..Enjoy! :smile: