Report Upload, FREE for a Limited Time


Yes, the Report Upload at is still free. I wanted to put this into a new post since it seems the other post is going in a different direction. I believe it was Brian who asked if it was still free.

We are also in the process of programming several new features to help inspectors with marketing efforts. We are adding a Realtor tracking module which will allow you to track how much money each Realtor has brought your business within a date range. The other function we know willl help all of you is a customer contact function. This will allow you to reach out to all your potential warranty inspections, offer discounts for referrals or coming back, and more.

These abilities will help put you and your company ahead of most, if not all, of your competition! The report upload technology still has the customer service feedback form, question submittal and report tracking abilities, we are simply enhancing the technology with these new functions. Please try it out for yourself and post any feedback you have here! The program will launch fully in January, so you still have 2 months to use it free!

Thanks everyone,

What will the cost be after Jan?



The cost will be $199/yr per inspector. Those who are evaluating and using the system before the launch date will receive half off the yearly fee. This price includes unlimited report upload, the added protection of having clients and Realtors reagree to your preinspection agreement, a customer feedback form and an ask the inspector function.

If you have any other questions, let me know.


I tried to upload a report for a client and the “Valid Date’ and " Inspection Date” did not work. A glich in the software or is it something I’m not doing correctly?
I’ve really like the software and never had a problem before. I tried to send you an email, but it only says to try back later.


I have just checked and did not have a problem. Sometimes I mix up the valid dates and inspection dates. I dont believe it will allow a valid date that is before today’s date?

Please try again. I will also have catherine contact you tomorrow

