Originally Posted By: jpeck
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FABI is a place to go learn.
IF all you want is something to stick behind your name, invent something and stick it there.
IF you want to improve your knowledge, go with some organization which is step up to do that. FABI is geared toward the Florida HI. Any inspector not willing to join other inspectors for gaining knowledge does not, in my opinion, need my help (if the HI thinks they don't need to learn and that they don't need any help, who am I to disagree with them?).
Unlike ASHI, FABI is about education. Use the FABI logo when you become an RPI or don't, that's up to you. Take the FABI test or don't, that's up to you. FABI's minimum inspection number is 150, a rather simple threshold to meet. If you don't want to be a Candidate, get your 150 inspections in, join, take the test, pass it, and go right into RPI (Registered Professional Inspector).
Unlike ASHI, the FABI process is simple, but if you don't want to avail yourself of it, don't. FABI will not have any problem with that.
Some HIs are here to help other HIs who want to help themselves. However, if an HI doesn't not want to be helped, why waste the effort? It's YOUR call. There is NO REQUIREMENT to join. It is about HIs helping other HIs become better HIs, if the shoe fits, wear it, if it doesn't, step aside, there are others whom it will fit.
To each their own. You've always sounded like a one man crusade and if you want to fight the world, so be it. If you want help where help is offered, so be it.
I was offering help. Take it or leave it. No one is going to force you to learn to be a better inspector.
Jerry Peck
South Florida