Saw this addition and thought the use of vertical 2x4s were unusual. Have any of you seen something like this before?
There wasn’t enough room to crawl across/around all the stuff, but the collar ties looked to be higher than a third down from the ridge and possibly undersized. I’ve only seen 2x4s used.
There are only 3 of those 2x4 verticals installed on each side? Was there something they were trying to support in the porch ceiling, like possibly thinking they were adding some bracing for a porch swing?
What type of roof covering? how big is the roof? (span?) Most likely those vertical 2x4s aren’t really doing much. They do appear to support the longer rafters. The valley sleepers are missing.
Looks like a makeshift support for the ceiling below. What was the ceiling below framed with? 2X8’s, 2X10’s? The ceiling may have been weak and the 2X4’s used to support the ceiling from the rafters. If that is the cace they should have sistered the ceiling with larger framing stock…
The original exterior porch had been closed in (so no signs of or reason for a swing) and an additional porch was added with the roof in the photos I posted. There was so much stuff up there, I couldn’t make it out of the opening for the access.
Yep, 3 2x4s per side on the original roof. The roof in question is roughly 25 feet by 18 feet with the 18 feet running along the ridge line.
Roof covering is fairly recent architectural shingles.
Yes, there was Romex run pretty randomly across the space.
Looks like they used 3 2x4s sistered into a “beam” where the old roof meets the new ceiling.
If there are no signs of ceiling bow from pressure being exerted downward from the roof, those 2x4’s are possibly not doing any harm as well as not doing any good. I would have to note this as non-standard framing.
Non-professional installation completed w/o permit (check and see, if your AHJ has a web site). Consult a licensed professional contractor (preferably one who knows how to frame and who is at least social enough to know a real electrician)…