Roof Flashing under Eave

Is an apron flashing required at a roof to wall intersection, if it’s directly under an eave? I would have installed one, since there is a gap at top, but I’m not sure if it’s required.


Ever hear of ‘wind driven rain’ and snow/ice accumulation ??

It is probabley there under the last row of shingles, Did you look?


Yes, it needs to be there IMO.

Also, this looks like angle flashing, not step.

Also, look at this detail. I would suspect if it were present, it would be similar to the other apron flashing here:



No I can feel a gap and see light from inside the attic.

Definitely…That’s why I would have installed one, but I didn’t know if there is an exception under eaves.

And we don’t get snow or ice, but hurricane force winds and rain does happen occasionally.

Thanks for your input.

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I never see step flashing around here, except some older homes have it around the chimneys. I’ve inspected a couple 1000 homes and I can’t remember ever seeing step flashing along the walls.
When I got my license years back, I remember seeing step flashing in all the training materials, but not that much in the field. It’s kind of odd now that you mention it.

Thanks for your time and expertise!

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In your case there should be ‘Head Wall Flashing.’ Poor siding clearance on head wall.
Looks like good roof deck siding clearance.
head wall flashing

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Looks to me like there WAS something going on, but those high winds ripped off the “glued only” shingles (for cosmetics) that were once in place.

Most ‘step flashing’ is hidden behind whatever siding (except masonry which is fully exposed) that is being used. On a good day, you can catch a glimpse of it if a proper gap at the shingle/siding intersection exists.

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I see one nail that should be sealed.

There should always be a head wall flashing as Jeffrey noted in his comment, wind driven rain could be an issue. As for the side wall (gable wall) there should always be step flashing, in this case it appears that there is a head wall flashing installed in that area as the shingles seem to be cut back about an inch from the wall. This is not an ideal arrange if that is the case since it would allow water to eventually make it’s way under the shingles instead of sheading off on top. It appears however, that you may be in a relatively dry area judge by the lack of rain gutters in your pictures, which may be their saving grace so far.

We need to stop building stupid roofs.


Haha! “We?” I had nothing to do with it!

Why are there no gutters installed?

Larry, put your glasses on there are at least 3. Lol

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Gutters are not required in my area. Are they in yours?


That’s funny, Neil, because I didn’t have them on. LOL!


No, but highly recommended, especially where the op is located. Good building practice to install to help control water.
I personally have not seen a house without them installed with the exception of a custom architectural style home.