Originally Posted By: ekartal This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
If you are referring to dark stains on the roof often in the form of streaks, it is probably a form of algae that can be removed with some basic cleaning formulas. Any penetrations of mold would be visible under the sheathing from the attic.
Originally Posted By: dbush This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Larry, you are not truly saying the roof is “pooched” because of dark staining? If so there are roofs that are gone after 3 - 4 years around this area.
Originally Posted By: lewens This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
I tried to get a good look at it and I thought I could see a widening of the rain gutters, therefore the dark marking is most likely loss of granules and in HI parlance the roof is indeed “pooched”
Originally Posted By: berby This post was automatically imported from our archived forum.
Thanks guys
I thought the same thing you all thought that might have caused the black stains. I was told by a realtor that he was told by two HI that it was due to water under the shingles. Also, I was at home when I took that pic.