roofing question

roofing question for a four points inspection :
if in a home the roof appears to be orginal to home,
and the home owner thinks the roof is only 1 yr old
they have no permits or paper work stating this and the building department how know record of a permit for new roof then what???

As you are in Florida, and I am not, I cannot speak to the FL 4-point issue…


In my area, all inspections, including insurance inspections, I report ONLY what I KNOW and what I SEE.

thank you for the quick response that is what iknow and what i see the home owner bought a foreclosed property and the neighbor said oh ya it was replaced ummm not from what i see no proof no comment


  1. Are you sure your web site link is correct?
  2. You should easily be able to tell if that roof is 1 year old. The valley metal, drip edge, turbines (if there are any) vent stacks should all look new. If there are no records it is up to the owner to prove, not you. Report what you see and keep pictures for backup. You can also tell him you will hold or amend the report when he produces the permits. But make sure you get paid first.

I say things like approximately 1 year old- as per homeowner. I have not had a problem yet with using approximately on 4 points or roof condition reports. Wind mit is a whole different issue-there must be proof .


I have to disagree with you on this one. First of all, your are supposed to be the expert. Relying on the homeowner to give you proper information is like believing a politician. As home inspectors, we should all be able to estimate the age of a roof, espectially if it is new. This just tells me that inspectors are not pulling out their ladders and taking a look at the roof, but doing the least possible to write the report and move on to the next one. What are you going to do when the one year roof (per the homeowner) leaks like a sieve because it is 15 years old and the insurance company sends an adjuster out there to inspect it. You might not agree, but I think you are opening yourself up to a law suit from the insurance company. We are supposed to inspect, not believe what the homeowner tells us.

It is what you think it is. How you come to that conclusion is up to you. Permits, is the best way. Sometimes you have to go by what you believe after just examining the roof.

Since there is no permit history on this roof, the seller can’t prove his assertion that the roof is one year old. If you think the roof is older, say so. And be able to back it up with pictures.

If it got into court (which is highly doubtful because the seller has no pviable case) it would come down to your pictures and experience against the seller’s…what???

Maybe you don’t have much experience with roofs but that’s a lot more than the seller can provide.

About the only time I’ve been in court was a couple of times as an “expert” in HVAC many years ago…but I paid a lot of attention to what the judges looked at and how he decided.

Therefore, I feel qualified to state emphatically that I don’t have the slightest idea what would happen in court and how a judge might rule.

But neither does an attorney…I guess that puts us on an even playing field…or maybe not.

Keep in mind, that even if the roof is one year old, or ten years old, it’s true condition is the priority. Much damage can occur to a relativly new roof. Make sure that if there are issues, you find them, and report your findings.

I am trying to word it in a way so that the insurance companies are not assuming that I am guaranteeing the age of the roof. I normally only use as per homeowner when their opinion and my opinion are similar but cannot be proven. I was letting Holly know wording that has been working for me on these very frustrating middle of the road insurance roof inspections. It is tough to write up roofs that are neither great or leaking and have normal wear. Guessing how long they will last is next to impossible and I always use + or 1 years or approximately.

It would be obvious if the roof is one year old. If it doesnt look new,it isnt new. you are supposed to use your professional judgement and report what is there, not what anyone is telling you.

I am letting you guys know what works for me with the insurance inspections. I find it difficult working for 2 different people one who pays and one who doesn’t. I take photos of everything and am as honest as possible with all parties concerned. I also do not want anyone to think I am guaranteeing them of anything. The inspection is based on how the roof is now and it is tough to assume how long it will last. Many insurance guidelines suggest 15years for shingles and 50years for tile from the time of installation but I find that to be just an educated guess. For the record although I have not done nearly as many 4 points or roof inspections as wind mits I have not yet had a problem with the wording of them. I have never had an underwriter question me on one yet. Sometimes the companies force clients to make repairs sometimes they do not. I only use the owners opinion is determining approximate roof age never condition.

Look at the roof sheeting from the attic area. It should be stamped with a month and year.