Share some photos?

Finally broke down and bought a camera. SInce I have no photos for examples yet, would anyone be willing to share?
Any help would be appreciated.

Samples of what?

Here’s one for ya Sean.


SInce this is the thermal imaging section, and I just bought a thermal camera, I guess your answer would be samples of thermal images to use for examples on my site. I am waiting for my camera, so until I find somthing I guess i will have to show people what my cats butthole looks like on a thermal image

Linus is that your sweetheart??
Kind of gives fatback a whole new meaning!!

She said she was your better half. She also said you had a tongue like Gene Simmons. You are one sick puppy!!! You eat that???

Why were you talking to her Linus?? Are you trying to tell her your tounge is longer?
Would you like to slide it through those two mounds of blubber? I bet you might even find a lost corn dog in there.

I found some peanuts wrapped in tissue paper!!:(:frowning:

Peanuts? I think you could find a dog in there!

Hey Sean,

I have lots of photos. Your welcome to use any of the photos or images from any of my sites. If you need the actual image file than just let me know and I’ll email them to you.

I’ll actually be updating quite a few of the images from my websites so I’ll let you know when I get more new ones up.

I’m sure many are kinda protective of their images but I’m kinda the opposite. If any of my images can help someone educate others on the abilities of Infrared than I say go for it. The quicker the general public is educated on Infrared the less non-caring commission greedy Real Estate Agents can try and keep us in the dark.

You gonna love having the IR camera! Makes inspections kinda like Easter egg hunting. Look for the hidden colorful things:).

Let me know if I can be of any assistance. My websites are below…

Gotta love members like this…

I “borrow” thermal scans from a lot of good friends.

Be sure to include a link to the image provider on your website.

Some people here have been accused of stealing scans that have been copyrighted.

I had one of my bedroom pictures on a BPI presentation. Without thinking I asked where it came from and I was told “I took it”. Yes, they simply took it off of my website.

If you need an example go to:

Be sure you know where the scan originated and as a courtesy provided a credit.

what did you buy? You don’t need scans from a Flir 660 if you have an I5. That is a fraud.

Let me know what type of scans you need and I will send you some.

Linus, please do NOT thermal image that!!!

That’s a nice looking site you got there Dave! I may give you a call in the next couple of weeks to discuss your equine imaging work.

I’m headed to California on Tuesday to take the MoistureFindIR class through United Infrared but I’m also signed up for their EquineIR class coming up in Orlando.

I’m hearing lots of good stuff about EquineIR but would like to hear some stuff from someone doing it vs. promoting the class that teaches it.

I hope it’s as good as it sounds but it usually never is.

Brandon, I have been skiing in Salt Lake City Utah.

I see some horses around. What does the market look like?

I see quite a bit of horses out this way. Many more than I ever saw growing up in Mississippi, however, I believe most are just your general trail riding horses. I’ve never seen any horses used for any form of competition like you probably see quite a bit of in TN.

I don’t really know enough about the horse community to feel comfortable approaching horse owners with these Infrared services. The Equine work sounds like a lot of fun so I’m hoping for the best but I’ve just gotta get the right training. I’m hoping United Infrared can provide me with a good start.

Do you recommend any good training materials, methods, or programs pertaining to Equine? How did you learn? Did you grow up around horses? I didn’t…

Do you think Equine Thermography has the potential to keep a thermographer busy for the majority of the time or is it more of a side job for extra income when the Infrared Home and Building Inspections become slow?

Do you have any plans on coming to Utah to do any sking this Winter? Maybe I could buy your flight out and get some horses lined up for a day or two of training with you? Just a thought to consider…

I can tell you this. Unless the horses are of some value, It will be rare to get regular horse people to spend any money on our toys. Then you have to be weary of crossing the boundries of vet practicing. The oportunities are out there. You should start with some large or better clinics, and try to be humble while showing them your tool and how proper training can help THEM solve the lamenss issue. You coming in and stating you can find it when they can’t will make short work of your side venture.
Maybe try some pro bono work to get a feel for finding the issues, then once you have good repor with some people the rest should fall into place.

There’s a ton of money.
I did my training with Peter Hopkins, Joanna Robson, DVM and it was well worth it.

Peter W. Bennett, Owner
Equine Thermography LLC
“See What Your Horse Can’t Say” with
Infrared Thermal Imaging Services
530 Prospect Avenue Little Silver, NJ 07739
Office 732-984-7276 Cell 732-245-9817
Certified Infrared Thermographer No.7406
Authorized Technician
Official Vendor Partner of the 2010 World Equestrian Games

Great choice on the training Peter.

I was in NY a few months back when the Belmont was running. The week before they had this large horse expo show at the Belmont. There was a guy there with some red lights charging the horse owners a couple hundred dollars to “relax” their horse. If they will pay for that scam, they will pay even more for the real deal.