Sit carefully, very carefully...

Yeah, but you can buy a new toilet for $70 to $300.

Crazing is a spider web pattern of cracks penetrating the glaze. It is caused by tensile stresses greater than the glaze is able to withstand[1]]([2]]( Common reasons for such stresses are: a mismatch between the thermal expansions of glaze and body; from moisture expansion of the body; and in the case of glazed tiles fixed to a wall, movement of the wall or of the bonding material used to fix the tile to the wall[3]]( The cracks can allow the ingress of water, dirt and bacteria into the cracks. Once fired ware tends to be more resistant to crazing due to better development of the glaze/body interfacial layer, which reduces stress gradients between the glaze and body[4]]( The causes of crazing include:[5]]([6]](
Thermal expansion mis-match between the glaze and the body. Poor glaze/body fit is the main cause of crazing and can be due to:

  • Under-firing (earthenware body types) resulting in failure to develop sufficient body thermal expansion.
  • Firing too quickly, resulting in failure to achieve sufficient heatwork.
  • Low thermal expansion body.
  • High thermal expansion glaze.
  • Over-firing of vitreous ware.

Moisture expansion of the body - porous bodies will swell slightly due to absorption of moisture. Where glazes are in only slight compression this can be sufficient to bring them into tension. The problem results in delayed or secondary crazing which occurs over a period of time after the ware has been produced.
Glazing too thickly. This is a common cause of crazing. Glazes, which should be craze resistant, can craze if applied too thickly. This is because the further the glaze surface is away from the body the lower the compression acting on it.
Thermal shock. Opening the kiln too soon above 100°C can cause crazing and dunting. Above 200°C catastrophic failure can occur due to the volume changes at the cristobalite inversion (around 225°C)
Glaze Fit. The matching of the thermal expansion of a glaze to that of the body on which it is held. To prevent crazing the glaze must be in compression when the ware has been cooled from the kiln to room temperature; to achieve this, the thermal expansion of the glaze must be less than that of the body.

LOL I started all this with one comment , simply not from weight . **** Toilet replace

That comment carried a lot of weight… sorry, couldn’t resist.

Too much Krispy Kreme glazing:p

I was wondering if this was Elvis’s toilet lolo