[FONT=FranklinGothic-Demi][size=2][FONT=FranklinGothic-Demi][size=2] Roofs
[/size][/FONT][/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Demi][size=1] Laying Sheathing
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] Before installing sheathing, make sure the
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] framing
underneath is level and not twisted.
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] Add shims or blocking as necessary to cre[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1]ate
a smooth, flat surface.
Panels should be installed with the 8’ length
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] perpendicular to support members. When
laying out sheathing, make certain that each
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] panel covers at least two spans and panel
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] edges fall at the center of a support. It may
be necessary to trim some panels. Make
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] sure that the “This side down” stamp is on
the underside. Layout rows of panels so
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] that end joints are offset by at least one
[/size][/FONT][FONT=FranklinGothic-Book][size=1] on-center spacing of the supports. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&ved=0CEwQFjAG&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.woodbywy.com%2Fdocument%2Fosb-4004%2F&ei=82M3U7CIOJPJsQTUx4HgDA&usg=AFQjCNEogV9En6VkehEmlDQe4PlHHHMsQA&bvm=bv.63808443,d.cWc
Were there plumbing vent holes or other vent holes, etc., that may give more info about the plywood on top. I’m not familiar with doing it like that, either.
Your prolly correct I am going to bust him and see what happens. I am thinking what my obituary lines are going to say. When the hair on the back of my neck stands up there is usually a reason!!!
it appears to be 24/16 see your rotated pic
thus my appears to be over 24" rafter spacing ?
that’s all you get for your BD until you answer me! :twisted:
appears to be 24/16 see your rotated pic, that reads 24" on center for roof 16" on center for floor
that’s why i asked appears to be over 24" rafter spacing? there may be more wrong than right
Ms. Cleo’s hotline is open i’ll be on the job from now until 1pm today, call me
that’s all you get for your BD until you answer me! :twisted: