Suggestions for mobile software

Im new into the inspcetion scene and i am looking for software recommendations. At the current time, i expect to have time to do 1-3 inspections per month. That said, i cant justify the price tag that some of these programs are asking.

Must-have list
-android compatable

Like-to-have list
-not subscription-based (one time fee)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I fear you will be frustrated in your search. Developing any inspection software is a time-consuming and capitol-intensive endeavor. To make it worth the developer’s while to generate multi-platform applications, keep them up-to-date, and provide technical support requires either pretty stiff up-front fees or ongoing subscriptions.

I can’t help but wonder whether a 1-3 inspection/month income justifies the time and expense involved in launching a truly competitive inspection service. In my case, I have invested easily $6,000 in equipment alone in the first two years and probably close to twice that in lead generation, website development, and marketing. It’s like any other endeavor; if you want to be taken seriously, you have to be presenting a truly competitive product. That takes a significant up-front investment.

All that said, I do wish you luck.


Try reporthost, first 15 inspections free for Nachi members, good for part timers. That’s what I started with in inspecting homes and was not sure how it would take off…Then it took off… now we use Home Inspector Pro.


Thanks for the advice guys.
I get the up-front investment aspect, and im willing to do so, when it makes sense. I think that a $800-1000 investment in software, at this point, just doesnt make financial sense. Perhaps when / if i dedicate a full-time career to this, it would fit better.
As Dave mentioned, a more part-timer software, though maybe even not as streamlined, probably makes more sense for the time being.

I use Spectacular Home Inspection System. I pay per use - $14.99/inspection. I like the software and I can provide a report on site via drop box or email.


Started with Enzo Solutions. They offer 1 month free trial. Since I was just starting, I took the 25 reports for $200 option after my free trial.Templates are made with the Standards of practice in mind.


Tap inspection. I think they charge $5 an inspection.


I second tap inspect I use it and they have good customer service.

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I got software from my first school at AHIT called InspectIt software. I paid $600 for it. It was a big investment but a nessassary one . I really like it btw . I’ll keep using it for a long time

Call Michael worth at tapinspect. He will give you 5 to try. I love his inspection format and it’s just $5 per inspection report. His number is 502-414-1440. Tell him Scott Reed sent you from Premiere Property Inspections. You won’t be disappointed. Let me know what you think.

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Reporthost is the way to go. pay 4$ per inspection. After using the first 15 free. Great product and starting out you don’t need the huge overhead. The program got a few people I know started and 2 years later they are still using it

Tap inspect is great. Very user friendly.

I would check out Spectacular Home Inspection System.

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I use Inspector Nexus…Saved me 6-8hrs of writing reports at home. I can finish the report on site 95% of the time.

I also use Tap Inspect for most all the reasons stated above. A lot of 25 cost $125 which is affordable for Inspectors just starting out and building their business.

This is a great topic as I am in the midst of completing the online requirements for my InterNACHI certification, thank you!

Do any of the softwares mentioned above walk the inspector through the SOP to insure a complete inspection is completed and nothing has been accidently forgotten left out of the report?

Thanks everyone. Looks like ive got to trial-ing to do. I appreciate the help.

Tim, I highly recommend Report Host. No out of pocket. Pay per report. I’ve been using it 6 years. My first full year I wrote 40 reports. 400+ the last 2 full years.

Report Host is the easiest way to get started in this business. Before I was recruited by US Inspect, I paid $5.00 per report. Android, tablet friendly software.

Good Luck!

Curtis Midkiff
US Inspect
VA License #3380000657, NRS

Looks like Tap Inspect is IOS only - no android-based version just yet. Bummer.

If you want announcements for android status (given to me by their support team):