I am a new inspector in search of affordable writing software to get me started. I am open to desktop, mobile, and PDF forms. All and any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
I am a new inspector in search of affordable writing software to get me started. I am open to desktop, mobile, and PDF forms. All and any suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.
If you use an iPhone I recommend TapInspect. It’s seven dollars every time you publish or you can get a monthly subscription. The seven dollars makes it very affordable for new inspectors. I’ve heard many complaints about other inspection type software that freezes or locks up. I’ve been using TapInspect for three years with no issues. I can publish right from the threshold post inspection with no need for a desktop.
Welcome to our forum, Darryl!..enjoy participating.
Thank you for the recommendation. I am an Android user.
Look at Inspector Nexus.
Thanks, just downloaded this one now.
Take EZ Home Inspections for a trial 30 days free. I like/use it.
EZ Home Inspection Software
Welcome to the forum, Darryl. Enjoy!!
Thank you!
Thank you for the suggestion. Checking them out as we speak.
For the price, I found them to be very reasonable. I started using their phone app at first but found I was taking too long to do the inspection. The nice thing was that, when I was done with the inspection, I was 90 percent done with the report. However, the client/owner/real estate agent doesn’t necessarily want to hang around for the time it takes for me to do the inspection with the phone app. I dropped the phone app and just kept the desktop app. Now I just take pictures and then head home to upload the photos from my phone and then complete the report. EZ will do a website for you too if you want.
With that being said… I strongly believe and recommend that you focus on inspecting and NOT attempting to inspect AND input your data into a software program while on site… that means to use a Report software that is flexible, ie. begin with desktop reporting then convert to mobile IF and WHEN you make that decision AFTER you master the art of inspecting!!
Inspecting and Report generation are two huge processes in their own rights. Don’t attempt to do both at the same time. Inspect on site… do the report back in your office!!
I use Spectora and it is a perfect fit for me.
Who should use Spectora? Those who want…
Spectora is not for everybody. It is aimed at those who are moderately technically savvy and who like to tweak the inner workings of their software to customize and maximize their experience. It is also aimed at those who want an all-in-one solution.
It has an undeserved reputation as being spendy. However, if you have done the deep dive like I have, you will find that competitors that offer the same features are as much or more than Spectora.
It all just depends on what you want out of your software.
With that being said… please share with us your background experience in the Home Construction and/or Home Inspection Industries. Generally speaking, I am sure that someone with little to no hands on history in these industries may find that a bit daunting while learning how to inspect. JMHO.
Are you asking me or the OP?
If me, I have a fair amount of construction, business, and advanced software experience to help me figure this stuff out. I don’t know the OP’s experience or history, that’s why I tried to list out who makes a good fit for Spectora.
It is not the cheapest, most simple, or “best” software for everybody.
The same question could be asked of you. Please share with us your verifiable construction experience.
I’m curious what licenses you currently carry?
Hi, @dwilliamsjr. Please check out:
And then I highly recommend joining me in an upcoming webinar for new inspectors like yourself. Register for the “NEXT STEPS for InterNACHI Members Webinar”. If you can’t make it, register anyways to get the video recording.
During the webinar, we will discuss what every member should do next in order to get trained, certified, and operate a profitable successful home inspection company. We’ll talk about marketing, business, prices, software, real estate agents, website, and everything else you’d like to talk about.
Home Inspector Pro is well regarded, there’s a great community and you can keep things as simple as you’d like. Spectacular Reporting software is who I’m using at the moment and have written at least a couple thousand reports with it. Both can create a neat/clean PDF that you can send to your client, without their data going across different platforms, I personally like to keep things clean and simple and protect my customer’s privacy when and wherever possible and don’t participate in data sharing etc. However those choices and costs are yours.
Both offer trials… you should find what works for you https://homeinspectorpro.com/ Dominic and his crew are solid people. Again, Spectacular Home Inspection Software | Spectacular Inspection System | Software App for iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows & Mac is what I’m using, trouble / crash free and Aaron is always quick to respond and help…
Try these and other programs out, everyone seems to have a dog in the fight nowadays so you really need to figure out what works for you. Something I’ve recommended HI’s to do… remember that the delivered report and how it reads is what’s important, HI’s try to figure out what’s best for them in regards to simplicity, features but it’s our customers that get them and use them, when you find something that works for you, send to family/friends and get their feedback.
Good Luck Darryl!
Yes you, but you know from our chats that I already know you have a construction and business background, which was the point I was making and hoping to show other newer inspectors. This industry can be a bitch to break into, trying to learn and navigate the Report and Inspection aspects at the same time can be a handful and then some. The fact you have experience is a definite advantage going in. I also do not know the OP’s experiences, which is why I stated “generally speaking”. As for choosing Spectora or any other software, I was simply pointing out that there are other considerations, as @wstowell mentioned. You notice I did not mention which software I use, because they are a personal and business decision. I currently use two plus my own Word based. I have also used a few others over the years that I decided were not a long term fit for my business. IMO, there is no “one size fits all” software… unless you are content with performing only Residential inspections. I’m not, and I use whatever software it takes to achieve the efficiency and quality of the report that I demand and am charging my clients for.
Welcome to our forum, Darry! Try CD Horizon.